Sam Jones Preparing For Jail

Great Ceaser’s ghost!

That was the long time expression of Superman’s Daily Planet editor Perry White would say when something amazing happened and he’d be saying it now at the plight of “Smallville” co-star Sam Jones who got convicted in a major drug dealing case.

Jones who is a month short of sentencing that could net him around ten years in prison for selling untold thousands of oxycodone pills is allowed to visit Holland to buy dogs for his security dog service.

Jones as it turns out has a company that trains dogs that are then sold to celebrities and police departments. Ironic as it seems Jones is allowed to travel to a foreign country even though he’s looking at big time in jail.

Jones’ defense before his conviction was that he was selling the drugs to save a friend who owed money to a Mexican drug cartel. That all fell apart when the friend turned into a rat and put the finger on Jones. Jones, obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed, then too the rap and is now going to be jailed as well as carry those convictions for life.

What’s worse is why would police and celebrities buy security dogs from a guy who didn’t have enough sense to stay away from drug dealing friends and dumber to sell drugs to rescue them?

It would be wise for Jones not to think about going on the lam as the law nowadays as an even longer arm.

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