Shantaniqua Scott Teenage Mother Drama

In a shocking display that has doctors, prosecutors and jurors reeling, a video showing a teenage mother trying to suffocate her son is the centerpiece of the trial of the mother.

Shantaniqua Scott of Texas, 18, was caught on a hospital camera trying to suffocate her baby boy.

The courtroom was stunned as they saw Scott reach into the hospital bed where the child was sleeping and tried to suffocate him several times.

Emotional responses from the courtroom was openly witnessed and the mere discussion of the events that Scott engaged in left many in emotional duress.

The video reportedly shows Scott repeatedly trying to suffocate the boy and when alarms go off to the hospital staff that the child’s breathing had stopped, Scott is clearly seen trying to cover up her crimes.

The hospital staff had figured something was amiss the first time the baby was brought in and they thought he was suffering from acid reflux. He was reportedly operated on and on top of that was returned to the hospital for breathing problems and that tipped off the staff to install the hidden camera.

Scott stated to the cops she wanted to kill the boy so she could return to her carefree lifestyle and that the boy’s father had been of no support.

It’s obvious Shantaniqua Scott needs some mental help therapy and thanks to the hospital staff and officials for being vigilant and catching her in the act. She may end up in jail for life though.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. May God be with this Child. His mother is UN-FIT! I watched this video, it severely has broke my heart. She was better off just abandoning the baby at the hospital where he’s safe. This girl needs an exorcism. Children are innocent, they never asked us to be here. I Pray that God be with this baby boy and bless him with a good loving home and that he become a successful man without any interference from the mother. Oh my, this world is CRAZY!

  2. Her Stupidd Ass , Well Got Damnn . That’s Whyy Theyy Makee It So Hardd On Younq Teenn Females Who Aree Goinn’ To Be Goodd Mothers Because Of Hoes Likee Her ; Uqhhh !!

  3. she need ha ass whoop she knw damn well if she cudnt take care of tha child she didnt need to have had ha legs open.
    clearly tht baby will remember tht hs mother tried to kill him. boy i am prayin for tht lil man ckuz he didnt ask to be here at all shit…and ha sick ass did tht she knew what in livinq hell what she was doin because tht bitch did it in ah public place she is so sick and i personaly knw ha i went to school with ha she knw she wrong for tht but i will keep lil man in my prayer..
    love always..********

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