O’Reilly Obama Interview On Super Bowl Day Was Civil

FOX’s political commentator Bill O’Reilly sat down with President Barack Obama for this year’s Super Bowl interview where they talked about almost everything.

The last time O’Reilly interviewed Obama was back in 2008 when he was a candidate hoping to become the first African-American president.

Despite the well known rocky relationship that now exists between the White House and Fox news network, Mr Obama who spoke to Katie Couric last year
for the traditional pre-Super Bowl interview surprised many by selecting O’Reilly instead of Fox Shep Smith or Chris Wallace.

O’Reilly showed why he was a heavyweight on Fox by conducting a very interesting interview with Obama where he quizzed him on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s imminent exit.

Obama responded by :

“The U.S. can’t forcefully dictate, but what we can do is say the time is now for you to start making a change in your country,” he said. “Mubarak has already decided he’s not going to run again.”

The president was also asked to share his thoughts on the fact that a federal judge in Florida declared his signature bill – health care reform was unconstitutional. Obama simply explained:

“I think the judge in Florida was wrong.”

The TV host surprised many viewers by asking Obama a very usual question -“Does it disturb you that so many people hate you?” Obama responded by:

“The people who dislike you don’t know you. The folks who hate you, they don’t know you.” He added, “What they hate is whatever funhouse mirror image of you that’s out there. They don’t know you. And so, you don’t take it personally.”

Of course the Super Bowl came up but the president ducked the question and simply said:

“Once my Bears lost, I don’t pick sides.”

But during a recent meeting in Pennsylvania Obama declared that he was supporting the Steelers.

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This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Bill O’Reilly was disrespectful to the President of the United States. He kept interrupting him and was down right rude. A reporter should always be respectful. I can’t beleive Fox would allow their reporter to be so rude. He should be fired.

  2. Why can’t u for once O’Reilly respect u president. By asking him stupid question abt hate. U are d most hateful person I can see

  3. I really admire our President he is always under the radar no matter what he does. Who cares if people hate him people hated Bush. One thing I have learned is that people follow the majority. If the news start saying good things about our President then people will say oh he is not so bad. That is how items are sold in stores, who ever tries a new product out if they say it is good everyone is going to try it. No one is going to be liked 100 percent, but I hate how people have been disrepectful to our President. He earned the right to be at the top and we elected him to fulfill the job. Some people need to take government and realize that laws are not changed just because he is President. We have a government that is combined all together into the House of Representatives. That is a combination of Democrats and Republicans. And they all have to work together. People give him a chance he has got to clean up what has already been messed up by the people who were there before him. It is not something that happens overnight, so please stop being so judgemental and let him be what he is first and that is a man who said he would step up to the plate and get the country back on the right track. Its so funny the Republicans did not want the job if so they knew what to do to keep the office. Just Do The Right Thing. But no they know our President has gone in and cleaned the mess up that they developed and now they want to control the White House again. Don’t let the people get back in office again that messed everything up now that they think that they can see the light. Let’s allow our President complete what he started.
    Has anyone ever been in the position where they have a person who might be in a higher position on a job. And to keep they’re job they have you the little man do all of the work? But who gets the credit? Right the supervisor will take all of the credit plus even get the raise on the job, and where are you the one who did all of the work and stayed up nights working late, away from you family, cannot spend time with the kids or the wife. You go back to work to help with the solution and afterwards you get nothing no credit, not a raise, not even a gift certificate to Mc Donald’s.
    Well this is the position our President is in, he is the one who is working hard to get our Country back on try while the big guys are sitting around waiting to get all the credit for what he is doing.
    Don’t allow them to stand behing our President and let him know that he asked for the job when the others messed it up. And he has been doing a great job!!!!!!!!
    And by the way Bill O’Rielly is not so bad is he.
    God Bless America
    And God Bless Our President of the United States of America

  4. Probably not as many people hate President Obama right now as hate O’Reilly for his ignorant comment. Including me.

  5. Obama was well-poised and charismatic during this interview, showing the world why he sits where he does. The only thing I wonder is — WHY did he agree to do an interview with Bill “I’ll interrupt you like an annoying little weasel if I don’t agree with what you’re saying” O’Reilley in the first place?

    One thing’s for sure, Obama makes the United States look classier than we are.

  6. I truly think the severe lack of diplomatic etiquette on Mr. O’Reilly was very apparent. I would never consider him a Journalist. His substandard display of mannerism, disrespect, and poor body language toward the presidnet not only it was appalling, but also, it was a true moment of his caliber. May I suggest that perhaps he should get a job in Hollywood and report on Linsey, Jessica and as such. I am very dismay for the president of the United States to be subjected to such disrespect. It is of the greatness of this country for having freedom of speech, to allow such as Mr. O’Reilly calling himself Journalist. Once again Mr. O’Reilly established the validity of his lack of Journalistic capability. For future referece, please review and study the previeous interviews of presidents with the real Journalists. In that, I hope he will recognize that, his approch was more adhearing toward HollyWood news or even used car salesman. Please learn, study and do your home work and remember the world is watching the U.S.A’s presidnet. President Obama, as always I admire your graciousness, kindness and thoughtfullness.
    Most Respectfully
    Fereshteh Nasseh

  7. Hey Charlette, Dave, Simples, Naomi, & Fereshteh. O’Reilly only had 14 minutes with the President. Obama is notarious for his ability to filibuster. O’Reilly had questions he had to get in. In order to do that, interuptions are necessary and I didn’t see any disrespect. His speeches are long, boring, and full of placating sentiments in order to appease his base, and should be done in half the time.

  8. Bill O’reilly asked the president “Why are you so hated?” Are you serious? I dont know what FOX was thinking selecting Bill.

    Such a flawed question in so many ways. Every president is going to be hated. No president will every be 100% liked.

    Mr O’rielly, are you aware that Bush wasnt like 100% either?

    I am not a Democrat, nor republican, but reasons like this are why i tend to vote more democrat these days. Republicans have lost their ways.

  9. O’Reilly’s shock jock questioning drew flags from me throughout his interview. His “hate” question was beyond out of line, and was equivalent to vicious clothesline delivered on the football field. The penalty for that is ejection and a harsh fine. Bill you earned both with that malicious, self-serving, question. For what it is worth, I appeal to others to follow my lead and tune out FOX until they take responsibility for the complete disregard their spokesman showed our American President tonight.

    Finally thank you President Obama for once again modeling class and forgiveness for all of us. Bill you had the best seat in the room for this lesson. I pray you learned this humbling lesson from this and will apply it.

  10. Fox doesn’t select who does the interview, the President does. The interviewer just has to come from the network.

    They could have chosen Chris Wallace or Brett Baier or Shep Smith.

    They got who they wanted

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