White Supremacists Council Of Conservative Citizens Thor Boycott: Idris Elba Casting

Idris Elba has landed in a very strange controversy – a controversy that he most-likely did not want any part of.

Marvel recently announced that Idris Elba has been picked to star in the upcoming film “Thor” based on the highly popular comic book by the same name.

But the Council of Conservative Citizens which is considered as a hate organization out of Missouri is so upset that Elba, a black man was selected to play the Norse god Heimdall, the sentry of Asgard that they are calling for people to boycott the film.

The hate group that has been spreading and promoting a very racist rhetoric since 1985 released a statement blasting the Wire actor. The nasty post read:

“It’s not enough that Marvel attacks conservatives values,now mythological Gods must be re-invented with black skin.Keep social engineering out of European mythology.”

The post went on to say:

“It well known that Marvel is a company that advocates for left-wing ideologies and causes.Marvel front man Stan ‘Lee’ Lieber boasts of being a major financier of left-wing political candidates. Marvel has viciously attacked the TEA Party movement, conservatives, and European heritage. Now they have taken it one further, casting a black man as a Norse deity in their new movie Thor. Marvel has now inserted social engineering into European mythology.”

Elba who is not really taking the extremists seriously had the following to say:

“Hang about, Thor’s mythical, right? Thor has a hammer that flies to him when he clicks his fingers. That’s OK, but the color of my skin is wrong? I was cast in Thor and I’m cast as a Nordic god. If you know anything about the Nords, they don’t look like me but there you go. I think that’s a sign of the times for the future. I think we will see multi-level casting. I think we will see that, and I think that’s good.”

Thor will hit theaters sometime in May of 2011.

What are your thoughts on this story?

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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Mythical gods are exactly what they are, MYTHICAL! Who say their skin has to be white or black? Who says that you have the right to disrespect any human being due to the color of their skin? Who says that whites are better than blacks? You should be ashamed of yourself for the horrific garbage that is spilling from your lips! We are all human beings, no one is greater than the other. Just like a black man can get cancer, a white man can get cancer. Just like a white man bleeds red blood, a black man bleeds red blood and we can go on all day with this. It just sickens me to my stomach that to see that there is still people like you with these sick hatred thoughts about the black race.

  2. Was Tom Cruise playing a Japanese God? Mythical Norse gods are Norse, how about I disrespect your religion, peoples culture, ect. White rape interracial rape victims also bleed red. Blacks are the horrific garbage/cancer the jew brought to Whites on jewish slave ships. Facts aren’t hatred, you damn b*tch.

  3. As a Heithinn, one that foloows the North-Way, honors the Gods of my ancestors, I find the choice of casting a non-white actor to portray one of my Gods, Heimdallr, insulting. To non-Heithinns ours is just a mythology, good tales, exciting stories, to us they are real, as real as the stories from the Christian’s Bible are to those that follow that religion. We are not white supremist, neo-nazis, we do not share the same political views with those people, and we are not opposed to any actor being offered a role originally written for a particular race or ethnic heritage. This however is our religion, Heimdallr is one of our most cherished and respected gods, and while we have known of and enjoyed the Thor comic book as a child, and can accept the ‘use’ of our lore by Marvel as it has been a portal to many who might wish to learn more of our heritage, culture and living religion, we do not accept this poorly conceived casting choice. To say this is ‘just a comic book’ movie and that it is perfectly okay to cast anyone as any character in a film is quite shortsighted. I don’t have any problem with a black actor portraying the next Superman, Batman, Spiderman, the next Hulk can be a Samoan. These are characters from the fertile imagination of an artist, enjoyed by thousands and, although part of my childhood, it would make little difference to me or my Folk. Thor however, is my God, Heimdallr, Odhinn, Freyja, all from my religion, and my ancestors, those that gave this religion to me, those that worshiped and honored my Gods, were of the Germanic Tribes of Northern Europe, and they were all white skinned. Is it such a huge leap to think they would have and therefore we should, see our Gods as we see ourselves?

  4. Jesus was born in Palestine but I have yet to see him portrayed by an actor who looks like the people of that region. Jesus was actual flesh and blood, and being a historical figure, should be as accurately portrayed as possible. However, when portraying a diety we should note that many of our ancestors segregated the image of God to be in the image of their own racial makeup. If you believe that Man was made in Gods image, then God should encompass all of mankind, making racial makeup a primitive argument.

  5. And they have put a white man in the role of Yeshua (Jesus) for how many years? When they know that Jesus walked this earth as a black man. LIARS! And they want to get offended about some dumb ass comic book character. Laughing hysterically at the idiocy of these people!

  6. This movie and comic book are fuc*en PRETEND what the hell is wrong with u people always making a mountain out of a freaken mohill. go figure ….stop the stupid ass thoughts and keep all this shit real BLACKS bring in the bucks at the movies i know this the white man knows this so what the hell are you trippen with this man for he is just doing what he get’s paid to do . So what u SKIN HATTERS thought this black man was going to turn down money! i dont think so….. try again

  7. Um as a “white” person I see nothing wrong with this infact I praise this!!! HUMAN is a race not black not white now brown or anything else!! I don’t even know why this should be an issue when anyone with half a brain knows that our RACE is human being… the color of our skin is merely a matter of adaptation… just a giant DNA lottery nothing else and all roles should be open to whom ever!

  8. Idris Elba is not only talented, but he is BEAUTIFUL! Who better to play the part of a god? Lighten up, it’s only entertainment!

  9. lets talk about cleo patra being played by a white women did we go protest against that!!!!!

  10. The movie is fiction and like most Hollywood films is historically inaccurate. The producers can make any sort of movie they want and the public can choose which movie they want to spend their money on. Its called Free Enterprise. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the Government soon forces everyone to see movies like this to promote “cultural diversity” and their politically correct agenda. Both sides are idiots.

  11. LADNAY: For your information, Cleopatra was Macedonian Greek, which means she was Caucasian. She was not African or Black.

  12. This is so dam sad! That’s why this country is not blessed to overcome obsticles, A bunch of sick racists worried about a dam cartoon. LOL, you ignorant fools, get a life.

  13. i can’t wait tell judgment day comes all this bs y’all talking won’t seen so important when ur judge on ur treatment of people and living a holy life other then the color of ur skin. i cant wait.

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