Luke Scott Obama Birth Certificate Comment

Luke Scott

After revealing himself as a “birther”, the outfielder Luke Scott said that he did not believe that President Obama was born in the United States.

After he was interviewed by David Brown of “Big League Stew” of Yahoo, Scott said that he didn’t think Obama was born in the country.

Even though Scott knows that the President has circulated his official birth certificate around, he still believes he was not born in the U.S. Scott claims that because the President constantly dodges questions about his citizenship status, he must therefore not be a native citizen.

Scott believes that the President is in fact hiding something about himself and that he probably isn’t really from the U.S.

After the player ranted about the President not being from the U.S, he then took time to thank those who sacrificed their lives so he could play the game he loves.

He says because those people risked their lives and died for their country, he can now play baseball and fulfill his ultimate dream. Although some still believe the President is from Kenya, most have moved on and accepted that he is in fact a native citizen.

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This Post Has 44 Comments

  1. I have heard many comments from athletes in the past. This ranks among the dumbest and poorest informed I have ever heard. Luke Scott is a jerk that deosn’t recognize how fortunate he is to be in the US instead of trying to play baseball in one of those places where he says people are leaving. Someone with his extreme good fortune should be grateful and thankful that they can help other people who don’t have what he he has. Where doee he come off criticizing the President. If he was in Cuba right now he would have taken his last at bat.

  2. This post misrepresents Scott’s position. Scott objects to the fact that Obama has consistently dodged questions about, and refused to produce, his contemporaneous, hospital-issued, typewritten certificate of live birth. Instead, he has released only a 2007, computer-generated “certification” which merely refers to the original record.

  3. I don’t think there is anything wrong with his comments–he is speaking his mind and last I checked he is still free to do so. I do think it is unfortunate that the President has been as ‘closed door’ with providing information on this and other topics. I believe there is some merit to questioning this and other things going on in the white house. It is not as “tranparent” as the President promised when he was just a citizen(of whatever country he was actually born in).

  4. @Northeast Elizabeth. You are mistaken re: Obama’s birth certificate. If you bothered to read the original article, by David Brown, it includes a copy of the Hawaii birth certificate not a computer generated copy that “merely refers to the original record”. In addition to the birth certificate there is, also, a birth announcement in the local paper in Hawaii – only an idiot thinks that all of this has been fabricated. If Obama was not a US citizen the GOP would have already used that against him – instead they prefer to encourage a false, unfounded charge that is believed by people who aren’t interested in the truth; the GOP is good at manipulating stupid people and keeping “birthers” riled up. Obama isn’t dodging the questions, he, like most of us, just thinks they are ridiculous and already answered. There are plenty of valid reasons to disagree with Obama, but Luke Scott is uninformed and an embarrassment to his team and athletes, in general.

  5. the ” 2007, computer-generated “certification” which merely refers to the original record,” as you call it, is a legal document, certified by the State of Hawaii and valid as legal proof in any court of law that the President was born in Honolulu. Too bad, So sad.

  6. Anyone who has lived through Obama’s two year reign and still believes he is anything other than a traitor or enemy agent is an idiot.

  7. What’s amazing about Obama (or his parents), is they actually had the foresight to know Obama was going to be president so they somehow convinced the two major Hawaii papers to BOTH print a fake record announcing Obama’s arrival in 1961……Brilliant!!!

    This conspiracy theory has been put to rest so many times….How can anyone have an intelligent conversation with a person who chooses to ignore facts?

  8. Your story is so full of falsehoods it’s ridiculous. For starters he has not circulated his official birth certificate around as you write, he circulated a certification of live birth, a document which his half-sister holds as well, and she readily admits to having been born in Indonesia. Futhermore the U.S. State Department doesn’t even accept the certification of live birth for passports.
    Mr. Obama is not a natural born citizen! If he were, he would have authorized the State of Hawaii to release the long form birth certificate two years, instead he has spent in excess of $2,000,000 to keep his past hidden. Mr. Obama called on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to release a list of the individuals who have donated to the organization, and his senior advisor David Axelrod has spoken through the media that only those who have something to hide do not engage in full disclosure, perhaps Mr. Axelrod should repeat that statement to his boss.
    The reason why the mainstream media has not pushed the matter, is that they know as well Congress knows that if the truth came out it would push our country into a greater constitutional crisis than Watergate ever was.
    Inessence it would be as if the past 2 years never happended, every law, and every piece of legislation would be null in void.

  9. Why do athletes say things like this? Don’t they realize that half of their fans are now disgusted? Of course, Scott plays for the trashiest owner in baseball, so why am I surprised?

  10. Luke Scott is a dimwit…..I lived and worked in Hawaii, I know the ‘birth certificate’ process there………and apparently he doesn’t…….My advise to him: find out for yourself…..jumping on the bandwagon, being a follower says a lot about you!!

  11. Luke Scott needs to be educated in the worst way !! When he says the “fore fathers” does he mean the “Slave Owners” that conspired to rob, steal and kill” to gain control of this country ? Does he mean the people who died for this country: The African, The Native American ? That’s who “blood” was shed !! 50 million africans died in the slave trade. The native american was stripped of their land. That’s why you have the opportunities Luke Scott has now !! And Obama had nothing to do with the current conditions in which we all live in now !! It was the “greedy” republicans who were in control for 8 years before Obama got in office. Now you might not like what he’s doing to try and clean up Bush’s mess, but it’s not he’s fault. Luke Scott must have been on another planet for the Bush years huh ?

  12. Luke is a self centered moron who is unhappy that a black man is in the Whiye
    House and fearful of the day coming when he as an overpaid, under performing athlete will have to pay something closer to his fair share in taxes to support those who sacrificed for him.

  13. My parent’s paper from the hospital with my cute footprints was LEGALLY USELESS when it came time for school registration, a driver’s license, a passport and a marriage license. The governments maintain vital records, they are the authority on what those records are, and a certified copy of therecord had to be ordered and produced for those purposes. It looks very similar to the Obama document except for paper color. Given that the state record IS federally recognized documentation for every Hawaii-born person BESIDES Obama, how does anyone figure there should be special rules for Obama?

    My usual question is why on Earth would an 18-year-old, financially challenged college student even leave the country heavily pregnant, let alone perpetrate a fraud on behalf of a child who also automatically qualified for the also-desirable UK citizenship. If necessary, should could have gotten the kid naturalized. Unless she suspected in 1961 that her BLACK son was destined to be elected president, naturalized citizenship would have answered every purpose.

    But instead, I’ll just ask: Obama became a senator in 2004, an office limited to US citizens (though not natural born citizens). A security clearance was required for his duties on the foreign relations committee. He probably traveled on a diplomatic passport when visiting other countries as a senator. Most importantly, Bush and Cheney were in the white house and their political appointees ran our national security apparatus. Why did they join in the cover-up? Why did the Republican governor of HAwaii? And why in heaven’s name would the Clintons have sat on it during the primaries? Not to mention the McCain campaign (and yes I know McCain was born in Panama but his legal status was settled in the 1930s by statute). Prior to that, he’s needed that documentation since his first trip abroad as a child, and when he got his driver’s license and marriage certificate. The mere fact that he’s held a US passport at all means that the federal government OFFICIALLY ACCEPTED his birth records. As far as the federal government is concerned, the case was closed when he was about 6 years old and on his way to Indonesia with his mother. And whatever may have happened there could have no affect on his US citizenship — parents of American children simply don’t have standing to alter their children’s US citizenships.

    I agree that Obama is a Manchurian Candidate — working on behalf of the GOP and the Corporate ownership of the country.

  14. Dear Mark, as the holder of a US passport without ever presenting this magical, mythical long form, and instead mailing in an embossed printout sent by the secretary of state in NJ, I found your assertion about passports interesting.

    Also, while of course it’s never been litigated, I doubt every signed piece of legislation would be invalid. The guy was certified president by the electoral college and by the US Congress, so he has been acting in the capacity of president legally. Upon any discovery of any disqualification, removal from office going forward would be the obvious remedy. Biden would become president.

    Or is there some other endgame? Do you guys plan to challenge Biden’s succession somehow because he was on the same ticket? Nothing like that’s in the constitution – he meets the qualifications, and received the sufficient number of electoral votes… the idea that he would be tainted is rather Gilbert and Sullivan.

    I do expect more ideas of this type to circulate now that Boehner will be in the succession following Biden. Is that the goal?

  15. Luke Scott is now my favorite Baltimore Oriole. It is good to see a professional athlete speak out about the incompetent idiot that is running this great country into the ground. And to the fool that attempted to turn fore fathers into slave owners well we know that your just another one trying to play the race card.

  16. Luke Scott’s comments about the president are absolutley apalling. I’ve seen his kind before…ignorant, outspoken, loves guns, fox news, believes palin would be a good prez, and of course going to war…anyone else know dim witted people like this?

  17. To all you “haters” out there calling out Luke for speaking his mind and answering the questions honestly, you need to be thankful he is still allowed to do so. I know Luke, unlike the most of the morons that like to post blanket statements about him with no credibility at all.
    He is one of the best Americans I have ever known. He does a tremendous amount of work for his community and communities in other countries. So he believes Obama isn’t a citizen, who cares? Mr. Obama, if he truly is a citizen could have put all this to rest MONTHS ago by just showing us his birth cirtificate, like I could do in a matter of minutes.
    I voted for the guy and he been a 100% disaster and dissapointment. He is shady, non-transparent and could care less what the american people really want.
    I’m proud of Luke for standing up for what he believes, and I guarantee he will be praised by people far more than than he won’t.

  18. I can’t wait for Obama to be thrown out and replaced by the evil Globalist Bill Frist. It will be so fun watching the Liberals wine. The Conservatives are going to be foolish enough to think Frist will be good for the country.

    I wonder if Luke Scott is going to speak the truth about himself as he did Obama and admit he uses steroids like %100 of his teamates do.

  19. Here comes the venom! Seems we lost the right to have an opinion, and have lost the right to free speech.

    What Like Scott said was not vicious, was not threatening, and above all was not racist. It is his opinion and he is entitiled to it. Why did the interviewer even bring Obama into the line of questioning in the first place?

    But there will be racists out there who pounce on any criticism of King Obama as being racially motivated. Seems we lost the right to even disagree with any point of view the King may have, just because he happens to be black.

    Are the blacks who voted for Obama because he is black considered racist? Of course not! But whites who voted for McCain because he is white ARE racist according to the warped logic of these individuals.

    Enough is enough. This America, folks. Stop jumping on people that have a differing opinion than your own. Race has nothing to do with it. If we don’t like King Obama’s policies, arrogance, or attitude we have the right to disagree. The same folk crying foul here are probably the same ones spewing insults towards President Bush.

    Grow up, you bunch of cry babies!!!

  20. I generally don’t care for political “litmus tests”, the vast majority of issues in modern life are far more nuanced and complicated than a simple “yes/no”. The world isn’t purely black and white, despite the repeated attempts of politicians and their pundit cheerleaders to make it seem so, and the ardent ideologues on both sides of the aisle accomplish little else but to destroy intelligent dialogue by their shrill insistence on the ineffable supremacy of their own views and utter unspeakable evil of their opponents’ views.

    That being said, there’s one litmus test I’m willing to utilize; I don’t care if you’re a conservative, liberal, libertarian, communist, flat-earther, free-soiler, or whatever else. If you believe the birther business, you’re an idiot. Plain, simple, idiot. You can tell me you support any number of positions on various issues on which I disagree with you, and I’ll be willing to consider it, debate it, discuss it, etc. Lots of decent intelligent people have very different views on a great many issues (economic policy, energy policy, environmental policy, the role and limitations of government in the lives of private citizens,etc), and these disagreements and differences of opinion do not make them any less intelligent and any less worthy of engaging in political discussion. Except the birther business. If you buy into it, you’ve just destroyed any shred of credibility you might have had as an intelligent human being worthy of talking to. It’s really just that simple. If you have any desire to be taken seriously, to be seen as anything other than a complete crank, then it is an absolute no-fly zone.

    And if you’re a birther reading this, instead of getting angry and firing off some indignant reply, instead why not try this little thought exercise; Stop, sit down, turn off the TV, radio, phone, PC, or whatever else you have that might distract you or interrupt you. Sit alone with your thoughts, and think long and hard without fear of self-analysis and ask yourself some simple questions; Why do I choose to believe this? Why do I now question the citizenship of this president, when I didn’t do so in regard to Bush, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Ford, or any other past president (or presidential candidate)? How many other politicians have I demanded to see birth certificates from? Are their any other politicians about whom I’ve even remotely thought about their citizenship? How do I explain my zeal in regards to the citizenship of this particular president and my complete and total lack of curiosity regarding virtually every other prominent politician, both past and present? Is it possible that perhaps something other than legitimate concern about the citizenship of the president is guiding my feelings on this issue? Go ahead, give it a shot…

  21. Yes, I always go to professional athletes for their opinions on important subject matter. I’m surprised that his clown knows which end of the bat to hold. Nice grip he has on his manhood in that photo, by the way.

  22. I am amazed at how ignorant people can be. President Obama released an actual, certified birth certificate showing clearly he was born in Hawaii. People who claim he never did either can’t read, or rely on the liars on Fox News.
    We may be the land of the free and home of the brave, but there are way too many ignorant citizens out there . Also the land of the ‘I’m dumb as hell and proud of it.’

  23. @ Jeff–
    You are the typical Lib that’s post’s complete nonsense. Your comments on steroids show just how much of a “sheep” you are. Luke has been hitting around 30 hrs a yr since his days in AA back in 04. They were tested heavily in the minors back then, but I doubt you’ve ever worn a jock in your life and would have no clue either way.

    He has been getting tested multiple times in the big leagues since he broke in, and has been hitting HR’s at the same pace.

    If asked Luke would take a drug test any time any place, no questions. Unlike our president who has been shady and secretive at every turn.

    But that hardly surprises me, it’s a standard trait that Dems have been displaying since the parties inception.
    “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” lol, what a circus.

  24. Pay attention to those “Birther’s” whose brains remain where the sun never shines. And pay particular attention Looney Scott – You hit baseballs…how long will this last, moron? In order to be President of the U.S. you must pass a number of security clearances. My Secret Clearance required more than 4 months…and the President’s Top Secret Clearance began when he submitted his papers to run for office. The very first thing the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other intelligence groups such as Army Intel and ONI (Navy) is check you legititmate birth ceritificate issued, in this case and verified by the Sectretary of State of Hawaii. There is a clown just as goofey as Luke Scott (THe dimwitted hitter of baseballs) that claims he has a clearance higher than the Presidents…this jerk just got elected to the U.S. Congress…what does this tell you? Finally, Puke Scott, your only claim to life is that you can swing a bat…yippy skippy…you can’t march, carrry a weaponn or face down an enemy unless he is throwing a baseball at you. Anytime you wish little man, take on this former Marine and I will deal with your baseballs and lack of the balls you were obviously born without !! On the day you made your empty-headed observation, and praised how you respected those who died so you can hit baseballs, sonny, a young Marine Lance Corporal was killed in Afghanistan…one month before returning home ..again…You creap low life, he died so you could earn a few bucks, hit a few baseballs, and sound off like the moron you are. The Lance Corporal’s name was Lucus “Luke” Scott….go to hell Mr. Baseball hitter and thank this young man for the sacrifice he made because you and so many like you wouldn’t.

  25. Since I learned of Scott’s comments, my admiration for both Donald Fehr and especially Marvin Miller has increased MULTIFOLD! That they were able to mold the MLBPA into the force it is while dealing with the likes of guys like Scott, Jim Bunning and others of their ilk, they not only deserve to be in the Hall of Fame, but immortality status.

  26. HOORAY FOR LUKE SCOTT!!! He is not only an excellent outspoken Real American, a great baseball player but he is batting 1,000 on Obama. GO LUKE!

  27. mike in nyc u are full of crap . yes there was slavery in the colonial period and the founders established a new nation based on human equality , but you can’t end the institution of slavery overnite . it was part of the economics . your ranting is just what i would expect from an ignorant ny liberal . you are a brainwashed biggot !! obama is a crook and a fraud and not a natural born citizen . thats it . case closed . george soros and the globalists got obama elected . they controll most of the media and like you too, many americans have not done thier homework . the gulf oil spill was all an orchestrated event to shut down gulf oil harvesting and move the oil operations to brazil where soros is deeply invested . soros and his buddies put obama in office and the oil scam is how soros gets paid back . he will make lotts of money . nancy pelousi certified obama and she has lied to the american ppls . she is a traitor and belongs in federal prison . eric holder obama’s appointee continues to sandbag many issues the ppls want looked into . holder is the puppet of the puppet and the soros gang is pulling the strings .

  28. How silly. If in excess of $2 million has been spent, keeping this man’s birth a secret., PLEASE, tell us how you can state this as fact. If you people have proof, to the contrary, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF.

    Why are you not in every news media out let with YOUR PROOF. Why have you not provided your PROOF to the United Stated justice system. Why have you not confronted all of the powers that be – that ALLOWED this man to even consider running, let alone win. Again, not your inflamatory BS, YOUR PROOF.

    Wonder what would happen if YOUR birth certificate/record of live birth is called into question. Well, I don’t believe YOU were born in the USA.
    What if the rumor started in your town that you are let’s, say a child molester. Even if you can prove other wise, you will forever have those who don’t and won’t believe you.

    If you have all this PROOF that the US govenment does not have, and you have not provided such PROOF, after all these years, what does that make you?

    Let us compare your PROOF. STOP PRETENDING. No wonder all the other countries are out scoring our children, look at what they are being taught. America is the laughing stock of the world. Thanks.

  29. obama is no worse than the bushes or all the people that supported them.
    the fact is that obama was put in office by essentially the same elite power structure.whatever scott’s views are in general, he has a lot of courage for telling the truth and standing up for decent people everywhere. thanks mr. scott! no, obama was put in office and his political career was guided by unseen hands. this is not just about a missing piece of paper (the official, embossed birth certificate -not a “certificate of live birth”), this is about the whole “show.”

  30. airy booty be saying what day be saying but our fearless liter gone be da winnerest.
    Bet dat cralka!

  31. Mark, you are a moron!
    He has posted his official State of Hawaii BC on the internet AND it IS VALID to obtain a Passport!
    You idiot!

  32. Bottom line…Luke Scott has every right to express his opinion. Freedom of speech lives.

    Problem with what he says, it’s not based on fact. So everyone else has the “right” to call him an idiot.

    Any moron can say the Earth is square and the sky is yellow and they’ve got every right to do so. The fact they are afforded such rights, doesn’t make them correct or intelligent.

  33. Re: “Instead, he has released only a 2007, computer-generated “certification” which merely refers to the original record.”

    The document that Obama has released is the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii. Hawaii has not sent out copies of the original birth certificate since the new, short-form birth certificate became the official birth certificate in 2001. Hawaii does not send out copies of the long-form original anymore–not even for people who were born before 2001. The new, short-form birth certificate is a computer-generated document because it is supposed to be. It is not a copy of the original, it is the new official birth certificate, the one that is used every year by thousands of people in Hawaii to get US passports.

  34. Jurisdiction matters

    If a child is born in California, to a Mexican man and a Canadian woman, what right does the US have to deny the child the citizenship of his/her parents?

    Aliens in the US on a tourist visa, business visa, or student visa, and illegal-aliens are “transient aliens”. Transient aliens, alien public ministers and consuls, are under embassy/consular jurisdiction. Children of transient aliens, of alien public ministers and consuls, are under embassy/consular jurisdiction, and therefore are not entitled to enjoy the privilege of US citizenship. If both parents are “transient aliens” under “embassy/consular jurisdiction”, then the child is not a US citizen, but the combined-nationalities of the parents. If the one parent is a US citizen and the other parent is under embassy/consular jurisdiction, then the child is a dual-citizen (born with dual allegiances), born with the combined-nationalities of the parents. The child is a US citizen, but not a US Natural Born Citizen.

    Only if both parents are US citizens, then the child is a US Natural Born Citizen born with single allegiance to the US.

    Thus Obama can be a US Senator, but he cannot be a US President/Commander in Chief, per the intentions of the framers of the US Constitution, John Jay in his letter to George Washington.

  35. Re: “Jurisdiction matters. If a child is born in California, to a Mexican man and a Canadian woman, what right does the US have to deny the child the citizenship of his/her parents?”

    Answer: We do not take away anyone’s foreign citizenship. We apply our own law, and that law says very clearly that ALL persons born in the USA become citizens (except for the children of foreign diplomats). The Supreme Court has also ruled that the meaning of Natural Born refers to the place of birth, and it said in the Wong Kim Ark case that EVERY child born in the USA is Natural Born.

    Re; “If both parents are “transient aliens” under “embassy/consular jurisdiction”, then the child is not a US citizen, but the combined-nationalities of the parents. If the one parent is a US citizen and the other parent is under embassy/consular jurisdiction, then the child is a dual-citizen (born with dual allegiances), born with the combined-nationalities of the parents. The child is a US citizen, but not a US Natural Born Citizen.”

    Answer: This is very creative, but it is not the law. It is NOT the law. Here are some cases:

    Mustata v. US Dept. of Justice, 179 F.3d 1017 (6th Cir. 1999) (children born in US to two Romanian citizens described as “natural born citizens” of the US):

    “Petitioners Marian and Lenuta Mustata are citizens of Romania. At the time of their petition, they resided in Michigan with their two minor children, who are natural born citizens of the United States.”

    Diaz-Salazar v. INS, 700 F.2d 1156 (7th Cir. 1983) (child born in US to Mexican citizen is “natural born citizen” of US):

    “Petitioner, Sebastian Diaz-Salazar, entered the United States illegally [from Mexico] in 1974 and has been living and working in Chicago since that time. *** The relevant facts which have been placed before the INS, BIA, and this court can be summarized as follows: The petitioner has a wife and two children under the age of three in Chicago; the children are natural-born citizens of the United States.”

    Nwankpa v. Kissinger, 376 F. Supp. 122 (M.D. Ala. 1974) (child born in US to two Biafra citizens described as “natural born citizen” of the US):

    “The Plaintiff was a native of Biafra, now a part of the Republic of Nigeria. His wife and two older children are also natives of that country, but his third child, a daughter, is a natural-born citizen of the United States.”

    Re: “Only if both parents are US citizens, then the child is a US Natural Born Citizen born with single allegiance to the US.”

    Who told you that? It is wrong.

    That is why such prominent conservative Senators who are also lawyers as Orren Hatch and Lindsay Graham say that a Natural Born Citizen is simply one who was born in the USA:

    Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), said:

    “Every child born in the United States is a natural-born United States citizen except for the children of diplomats.” (December 11, 2008 letter to constituent)

    Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), said:

    “What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)

    And that is why the CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation wrote:

    “Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are “natural born citizens” and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are “natural born citizens” eligible to serve as President …”—- Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) [Edwin Meese was Ronald Reagan’s attorney general].

    Also: “Natural born citizen. Persons who are born within the jurisdiction of a national government, i.e. in its territorial limits, or those born of citizens temporarily residing abroad.” — Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition

    And the Wall Street Journal wrote:

    “Some birthers imagine that there is a difference between being a “citizen by birth” or a “native citizen” on the one hand and a “natural born” citizen on the other. “Eccentric” is too kind a word for this notion, which is either daft or dishonest. All three terms are identical in meaning.”

  36. When in doubt, ask a jock! They’re noted for their intelligence and being informed on the latest events.

  37. Anybody that would try to defend Barry at this point in time is an idiot… forget about the name calling of “birthers”. The closest thing I have seen to an authentic Obama birth certificate is on YouTube with some guy that paid $5,000 for a copy in KENYA!

    If you have trouble wrapping your inbred mind around that, try to find anything else out about this man in the last 18 years! The guy is a ghost.

    I have not been this creeped out until Cheney was a heart beat from the Presidency… at least he had a weak heart himself so there was hope.

  38. The “Kenyan birth certificate” is a well-known forgery, and the guy who claimed to have gotten it is a convicted felon. (………

    The Certification of Live Birth is the official birth certificate of Hawaii. Thousands of people use it every year to get their US passports, and the facts on Obama’s certification were confirmed twice by the officials in Hawaii and by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican.

    For Obama to have been born in any other country than the USA requires the combination of:

    (1) Travel by his mother during late pregnancy (highly unlikely because of the high expense and high risk of such a trip in 1961);

    (2) Birth outside of Hawaii (also unlikely);

    (3) Birth abroad despite the absence of any foreign documents or photographs showing either that Obama was born in a foreign country or that his mother was in the country at the time (highly unlikely);

    (4) The willingness of the parents to lie about his place of birth (unlikely since it would be a crime to file a false government document, and the lie would be unnecessary since for most purposes naturalizing a foreign-born child would be just as good as his being born in the country);

    (5) Successfully smuggling the child into the USA without a US travel document (extremely unlikely), and;

    (6) Convincing the officials in Hawaii that he was born in Hawaii (also extremely unlikely).

    ALL of these six things would be required for there to be a reasonable case that he was born in any other country than the USA. What are the odds of all six of them happening?

    The willingness to believe that Obama was born outside of the USA despite the overwhelming odds against it and despite all the evidence that he was born in Hawaii is why Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly all call birthers crazy.


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