Chris Brown Probation Gets New Positive Review

Chris Brown Probation Gets New Positive Review – Chris Brown recently got another shining report about his behavior and how well he is doing on the terms of his probation. A judge praised him for his actions, and remarked that he is doing a better job than almost anyone else.

Brown was found guilty of assaulting his ex-girlfriend Rihanna last year, with gruesome photos eventually surfacing on TMZ and other media outlets. He pleaded guilty and received a sentence that consisted of completing five years worth of probation, six months of community service hours, and a series of domestic violence courses that he had to complete.

At his most recent hearing, a judge praised Brown for making sure that he stuck with his program and continued to do a great job. “No one has ever done a better or more consistent job than you have, and I really want to commend you for taking responsibility and for actually working diligently to complete all the things the court has required of you,” the judge told him.

So far Brown needs to complete seven more domestic violence sessions, along with 819 hours of community service work. He has finished 581 hours so far.

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