Bishop Eddie Long Scandal: Tama Colson Sues Michael Ceaser & New Birth Church

Bishop Eddie Long Scandal: Tama Colson Sues Michael Ceaser & New Birth Church – Bishop Eddie Long’s New Church is facing more serious allegations, as a woman is suing the church for sexual harassment. Last month it was reported how Long faced allegations of sexual harassment and now the church is facing more claims. This time from a top church supervisor at Long’s New Birth Missionary Church. Tama Colson is suing the church because she claims that Michael Ceasar showed her a picture of a penis on his cell phone, and retaliated when she complained.

Michael Ceaser is in charge of supervising all video recordings at the church, providing technical support. When Tama complained to a security officer over what Ceaser had showed her on his cell phone, the officer warned her that Ceaser was part of Bishop Eddie Long’s inner circle, and that he would not be disciplined for anything that he did wrong.

It has also been reported and stated in court that Ceaser had shown inappropriate behaviour to other women in the church but he was never punished. Instead, he forced the women out of the church. According to a spokesman for Long, there is a strict policy in place that states that any sexual harassment should be reported within forty eight hours. Tama did not reveal what had happened until a year later, but this does not mean that it was not against the law reports say. More details are set to be released as the case unfolds.

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This Post Has 77 Comments

  1. This is all just really sad what’s going on with Bishop long and the church. But God will get the glory and how everybody has his or her own theories and say about this the truth will come forth. I don’t know who is telling the truth but God does so for all of these people putting their mouth on the Bishop and the four gentleman about who is right and who is wrong maybe we all should mind our own business and make sure we are trying to live right by God and keep our two cents to ourselves.if we do six months of minding our own business and the other staying out of others we have all year to get ourselves right. And I’m also guessing that none of us have never done anything wrong we are all perfect yeah right. Get real. May God just give peace to everybody involved. These are my thoughts have a blessed day!!

  2. Well said Alex…..we christians shud just be prayg,instead of playg judge.woteva d case,I knw that it is well,God will surely take ALL the glory.God bless u all!

  3. I totally agree. Everyone should now concentrate on being filled with the Holy Spirit and less of the flesh where this whole matter belongs right now.

    This issue has parallel with the scriptures. Think of King Saul and King David, did they not do wrong in the eyes of the Living God.

    Nevertheless remember, Touch not my Annointed and do my Prophets no harm.

    We should be very careful how we think and comment on this matter.

  4. Maxine makes a good point, but omits a better one.

    She says, “Touch not my Annointed and do my Prophets no harm.” She cites 1 Chronicles 16:22. HOWEVER: this begs the question: is Eddie Long anointed? Is he a prophet? We have yet to see any evidence that this self-proclaimed “Bishop” is either. Who anointed him? When? In front of what witnesses? Why and how is he a prophet? Who heard the voice of God proclaim Eddie Long a prophet?

    Apart from the fact that Eddie Long likes to dress in muscle shirts and send photos of himself to young men, what has he done to qualify as a prophet? Has he prophesied one event that came true? Has he healed the sick?

    Sister Maxine failed to cite a more compelling Bible verse: “He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD” (Proverbs 17:15)

    He who justifies the wicked… the deluded New Birth congregation, now being sued for the fifth time in this sordid mess, needs to look more closely. This Bentley-driving, Rolex-wearing, million dollar home-occupying preacher needs to remember THE WORD OF GOD.

    “Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24

    No true Man of God needs Rolexes, Bentleys, and muscle shirts. Something else is going on here.

    PRAISE GOD!!!!!

  5. Its nice to see how some people really love the way God loves, unconditionally! Remembering that I have surely fallen short myself & seeing how Jesus dealt with the woman caught in adultery helps me. Most people say they are christian, but are not willing to follow Christ!

  6. So, Evangelist?? B/C I drive a nice car or live in a home that likely is larger than normal I’m no good. I don’t think anyone is trying to justify anyone, just simply saying that if none of us were there–if we make assumptions on it we are FALSE WITNESSES. Just go back and read the book of John and see how Jesus dealt with someone who was accused of sin. Did He condemn? Did He join in the accusations making speculations and sarcastic assumptions from the outside looking in? Nah! But to her accusers He stated–“he who’s w/o sin cast the first stone.” And to the lady, “Where are your accusers, doesn’t anyone condemn you? Well neither do I–go & sin no more.” To be a successful evangelist one must follow Christ’s example. Hate the sin but love the people you serve enough to show it in this manner.

  7. @Evangelist Luther,
    I could not have said it better if I tried. I grow weary hearing that scripture misquoted over and over again. “Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.” Wonderful respone with scripture backing it up.

  8. I agree that we should be careful about what we say on this matter, but this happens to involve young boys. If this was a school teacher, principal or a scout leader, I doubt we would be saying be quiet and pray. A shepherd is there to lead, not to stumble souls, and yes no one is perfect, but something this serious needs to be investigated and revealed to prevent it from happening again.

  9. wouldn’t you just love to have a Bentley,right about now? I’m hearing a jealous spirit!!! Where in the word does it say you can’t have these things? May it be you,Bishop,or POTUS! Sounds to me that you are hating while you are quoting scripts! Be yourself! everybody else is already taken!!!!! Blessings!!

  10. I agree wholeheartedly with Evangelist Luther in regards to questioning “Bishop” Long’s “anointing” and his lifestyle. First Timothy 1-7 lists the requirements for being a bishop. Some of the requirements are: to be the husband of one wife (Mr. Long is on his second marriage), not greedy for money (look at his lavish lifestyle), sober-minded, of good behavior and BLAMELESS. I believe that if Mr. Long had met these last three requirements he would not be in the predicament that he is in now. The last requirement is that the individual “must have a good testimony of those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil”. It seems to me that this is exactly what has befallen Mr. Long. If he was ever anointed, it seems that he has lost it a long time ago.

    You also have to take a close look at his teachings. This “Prosperity Gospel” that he espouses is heretical. Did any of the prophets, apostles, priests, disciples, church leader or Jesus himself live lavish, lifestyles? They did the exact opposite

    Jesus Christ did NOT die on the cross so that we could lead comfortable, healthy, wealthy, happy lives. He died in order to save us from our sins, and to provide a way for us to go to heaven in spite of our unrighteousness. I don’t believe that material comfort or success was ever the focus of his sacrifice, any of his teachings or sermons.

  11. My dear Rainwater: my authority is the Lord. Who is yours? Rolls Royce? Mr Cadillac? Rev Maserati?

    Here is what the Lord said. “Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24

    What do you think this means?

    I don’t ‘need’ a Bentley. Neither do you. Neither does Eddie.

    What I need is to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord tells us that wealthy people are very unlikely to succeed.

    Would you rather spend Eternity in Heaven, or a fancy car?


  12. Amazing! People are talking about ‘jealous’ spirits. This is the very antithesis of the wrd of God. The lust of the eyes, the flesh and the pride of life are things an unregenerate mind would want. Saints are to think on things that are true andof a good report. This prosperity, healt & wealth message is totally unbiblical. It is destroying many lives and making a mockeryof the word of God.

  13. Evangelist Luther, excellent posts.

    The prosperity message is for those who have a spirit of greed and dissatisfaction with their life.

  14. Wow it amazes me … it is true we perish for lack of knowledge ….
    Everything up to this point regarding Bishop Long are Allegations!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not Facts
    How can anyone make good decisions without good info ?????? annnnnnd
    What difference does it make what type of car Bishop drives?
    Would a camel be more appropriate?
    The prosperity message are for those who UNDERSTAND that God Blesses you to Be A Blessing. So until you get to heaven begin to enjoy your earthly blessing and be fruitful in every good work so that God can get the glory.
    Stop the foolishness

  15. If the Lord don’t help us, New Birth sure won’t. I cannot believe that these people are talking about you have to make your report in a certain period of time before it will be handled. Lord help us. It does not matter when the report is placed, all that should matter is that the person is disciplined and if there is no change , he should be let go. The woman did not ask them to put him in jail, nor did she file a suit at that time all she asked was that something be done about it. She did what the Bible says do and that was to handle things among yourselves as Christian, and I know the lOrd means that when it does not violate the laws of the land. This lady could have gone to EEOC, but she tried to handle it in the church. oops, it didn’t work. Well you would guess that perhaps it is not a church after all, but a cult, so people who are thinking that you are in a good church, don’t be the complainer and forget to complain to yourselves and act on your own compalint and find you a real church home or start your own. Don’t have any shame in your game, because the krystal Cathedral has put their church building up for sale because of hard economic times. God is trying to tell you that you are putting too much emphasis on the building of man and not the building that is not made by man’s hands. We love you all, especially you all tht are trying to get out of ther and we are praying for you.

  16. it is a big deal for the people who “believed” in that piece of closet trash
    because in a way i believe he attracted closeted fags who believed that his hate speech could control their own faggotoglical desires

  17. U can dedinitely tell who actually reads the Word of GOD while allowing the Holy Spirit to help them understand it! Im not all surprised about whats going on…GOD said HE would separate and tear down false prophets and leaders of HIS people. We all fall short and many different areas as the mighty did in the Bible BUT we must all confess…thats what Christ died for and im so thankful i get another chance. we have to get to know GOD for ourselves HE will direct us to the truth.

  18. This entire situation is so sad to me… i understand what everyone is saying and I must say to a degree everyone is right. It is hard not to comment on these things, seeing that once again the church is thrown into a horrible mess. I feel saddened that God and His church is perceived in this type of light. The Word of God says that judgment will begin first in the House of God and maybe this is what is happening. If it is true then the Lord is the judge and God will take care of it in His way. If it is true, I believe Bishop Long should resign and repent and seek God for forgiveness. I do not believe he should remain in the pulpit….who would trust him right now anyway. Lord Help us all…time is winding down….Lord Help me to live my life right.

  19. Evangelist Luther, thanks for the correct message with explaining the scriptures. I understand you totally and agree with your statement. When I first heard of the allegations I was shock because I was a member of the Charlotte-New Birth and enjoyed Bishop Long messages and teaching. I said he is innocent until providing guilty and I still believe that but the more I hear the more I feel unease. It also goes to show that all this money his church is getting week after week is not really needed or is it just greed. Even if none of this is true why would you use church money to take care of all these young men (your sons) and yes it is not his money it suppose to be the Lord money to further build his kingdom. It is nothing wrong with your pastor/bishop having nice things but it should be spread out to the members as well. My previous issue with Charlotte-New Birth was my tithes statement at the end of year for 2 straight years were incorrect and I address my concerns and no one ever or never got back with me so if my statement which is not itemized was incorrect how many others were the same way. So my question is where is the additional money going to since it is not recorded. Yes when we give our tithes we should not question it but when I feel something is just not adding up then I have the right to ask questions. Also, to my understanding other adults and Pastors would accompany him on these trips like Pastor Murphy would state he was with the Bishop on whatever trip ???? where was he, what role did they play, etc. it is so many questions that have not been addressed and very questionable on both side. My heart goes out to the young men & Bishop and he very really said to the public or members that he DID NOT DO IT, but his words said something else.

  20. Are any of you serious about this shit? Bishops and prophets and evangelists and deacons and servants of the lord and saints and sinners and crackheads and prostitutes and pimps and wealthy and downtrodden… those in power and those cast out of power…. Pastors included, the Almighty will judge but when he does we will all become privy to His judgement… Until then, it goes without saying, certain things you do here in this atmosphere we call earth where we are who human reside until the day we expire, will have consequences born of and metered out by this society. God has very little place in it, really. We just do what we wanna do and then we either blame him or give him the credit. Simple as that. What He’s going to do and when He’s going to do it, I have no idea. But I still believe. What the hell is a bishop anyway.. Isn’t that a catholic thing?

  21. Humble Pie is more pie than humble, and soon will be eating crow.

    He writes, “Everything up to this point regarding Bishop Long are Allegations !!!!!!!!!!!!! Not Facts. How can anyone make good decisions without good info ?????? annnnnnd What difference does it make what type of car Bishop drives?”

    Five lawsuits (four sexual, one financial) allege wrong-doing on the part of Eddie Long. These suits are yet to be heard in court.

    What is indisputable is the lavish lifestyle of Eddie Long. What kind of flock has a shepherd who drives a Bentley, sports a Rolex, lives in a million-dollar home, and tells the world that New Birth is “not just a church, we’re an international corporation.” ? A corporation??

    “We’re not just a bumbling bunch of preachers who can’t talk and all we’re doing is baptizing babies” he went on to say. “I deal with the White House … I deal with presidents around this world … You’ve got to put me on a different scale than the little black preacher sitting over there that’s supposed to be just getting by because the people are suffering.” This was from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 2005.

    “You’ve got to put me on a different scale”??? I think that is the Lord’s business, not Eddie Long’s. The Lord measures us on his Mighty Scales. Eddie Long doesn’t get to measure himself.

    In 2005, the same Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Long was the biggest beneficiary of the charity he established to help the needy, receiving more than $3 million in salary, benefits and property between 1997 and 2000, including his $1.4 million six-bedroom nine-bath home and $350,000 Bentley.

    Apparently no one is more ‘needy’ than Eddie.

    Humble as Pie is right that the five lawsuits are yet to be heard. The other facts are already in. No true Servant of the Lord needs the vast wealth Eddie Long has accumulated. It is unBiblical.

    Mr Pie: please reread Matthew 1924: “Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

    You cannot escape the meaning of this Holy Word just because you like to drive Bentleys. And neither can Eddie Long.


  22. To all and @ Evangelist. I didn’t read every comment that evangelist has written but I most certainly read enough to make one myself! You keep speaking the word.
    I don’t know how many scandals those that oppose you have been in in their church, but believe me, I have been in one which in comparison to this is tiny. When you are on the outside looking in, everything seems so simple, black and white ‘don’t judge the leader’ but you don’t see the amount of peoples faith and lives that are being affected by that leader placing the importance of standing at the front and continue to preach above the peoples faith or the spiritual dead bodies end up lying around in that place rotting. People need to realise that there are believers that are going through disillusionment because of what is happening in Mr Longs Church and I just hope and pray that there is a safety net put in place for them. So many people are so concerned about him but what about those who are new in faith, those who are weak in faith and in material things, can’t make ends meet etc……they are being affected too.

    I’m not going to quote any scriptures because evangelist, you have mentioned them already. Would it not be in the best interests of the congregation that as a ‘leader’ and ‘man of God’ he sat down and let other ministers take over until this is over. Surely all the years he has been preaching and building this empire he has trained and mentored others to take over in his absence? Surely this is not about him holding on to his job and standing at the front preaching – are not the people whose faith has been affected far more important? Many people judge, criticise, bury their heads in the sand and live in denial in order to protect their faith or avoid feeling helpless. Simply praying isn’t enough. Some people have truth but not the ‘whole’ truth, others are sincere, but sincerely ‘wrong’.

    Bentleys, flash watches cars etc. I can see where people are coming from but I just feel that as a prosperity preacher alot of that money has come from the congregation paying tythes offerings donations etc. I just hope that there are no poor among them and he has developed his community of believers attending the church so that they can all enjoy a quality of life. He can have his Bentley, but if you drive passed a member of your church and they pay their tythes and there is no support for their quality of life in all he has built then all I have to say is – mmmmmmm…….

  23. Well, with a name like Bishop “LONG” just what do y’all expect other than a man so into his sexual body. Bishop Long Schlong’s appendage obviously talks louder than any of his holy words which are empty, void of anything other than this man’s greed and philandering.

  24. You are right about it’s easier for a camel to go thru an eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter in the kingdom of God. But did you notice that scripture didn’t say a rich man can’t enter??????????????????????????????? You just looking at one side of the scripture with a closed mind. I would agree with you if that scripture said, No rich man can enter the Kingdom of God. It’s funny how people ok with Jay Z and his wife making money or other artist like them. Those people doesn’t do anything to help the body of christ. But when a man or woman speak life into people lives. We have a problem with them showing there success. I’m ok with a preacher having a Bentley, a million dollar house. Just like I’m ok with Jay Z or other artist like him sporting a Bentley or a million dollar house. Because the same God who blessed them with it, can Bless me as well.

    For the people who are having problems with preachers having nice things or lavish lifestyle. Why can you accept people who are not preachers who have nice things or lavish lifestyle?

    PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. When is the Body of Christ going to be truthful and honest with one another and to God? Where is the transparency? Religion and the spirit of it has deceived so many of the “so called” faithful. God (Abba, Jehovah) loved David because of his honesty with God 1st and man. When David sinned, he did not and could not cover it up and lie to God! David said, “I have sinned against you (God)…”. He did not want anyone else to take the blame for his sin but himself. He didn’t make excuses and he had “Godly” sorrow for his wrong towards God and his overall responsibility as a leader over God’s people. That’s one of the BIG (HUGE) errors of many leaders within the Church; the people belong to God not to man. We are HIS sheep… and no one is GREAT in the Kingdom of God BUT He and His Son Jesus!

    All the glory and ALL the honor belongs to Him! We are nothing but filthy rags BUT only by the GRACE and LOVING MERCY of God thru His Son Jesus are we redeemed and saved!! Yes, love covers a multitude of sin BUT it does not COVER UP! Why are so many covering up sin! Why would we not want to expose the enemy, his strategies, and devices in order that we and others shall be saved? That is called being an accomplice who is “a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing, often as a subordinate”. So basically, when we cover up sin in our own lives and/or within the Church (the body of Christ) we are co-contributors (accomplices) with the Devil (Satan). We are supposed to be in the Lord’s army! When sin is in us or our brothers/sisters, we are to continuously LOVE the person and EXPOSE the sin in order that repentance comes which God rewards with His Forgiveness through His love, mercy, and grace. I’ll leave you with the Word of God:

    When someone is sick (spiritually or physically) & when we commit sins:
    James 5:14-16
    Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

    When we wander from the truth:
    James 5:19-20
    Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.

    Why should we not cover sin (no matter who it is):
    Matthew 10:26, 28
    “Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. (28) “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

    What are God’s requirements for a Bishop (Leader of God’s People):
    I Timothy 3:1-7
    This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous; one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?); not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil. Moreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

    The sacrifice and scrutiny of a true believer and especially leaders:
    Luke 12:48
    “But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.

    Let’s examine ourselves and LIVE the word of God! It is the ONLY TRUTH THAT WILL STAND in this temporary life and the one to come either in Heaven or in Hell. Choose today who you will serve.


  26. Okay…maybe I’m wrong but, is it too much to ask that we as Christians stop allowing our pastor’s to turn themselves into “superstars or celebs”, is it really necessary? Is transparency in the Church really to much to ask for? People are giving their time and hard earned money to the Church, and part of being a good steward is being accountable for the money you have been blessed with. I am sooooo tired of the drama!

  27. As long as you are in the spirit, you can judge and you won’t be judge.1 Corinthians 2:15. God is saying, Bishop Long needs to Confess, then Repent. That’s the ONLY way he will be forgiven.

  28. It is easy to love someone when everything is going right for them, but to give them love regardless of what is going on in their life and in an unconditional (without judgement and ego meaning you don’t feel you just HAVE to give your two cents) way shows that you understand the most important of the 12 sacred virtues, GOD-Love. Let everything that happens be an opportunity to learn something and then there is no right versus wrong, there is just what life is meant to be…the chance to learn from experiences (what some call mistakes…which of course do not exist except for in the reality of some).

  29. who is anyone to question whether he is annointed? REMEMBER, this can go 2 ways people so just do like they said and leave it alone. i agree with you humble. i wonder whey they would if it were them. i guess he’s supposed to be walking, broke and homeless. would that make him any more of a man of God? Jesus said he came that we might have life more abundantly. And if you want to keep the scripture in context the camel going thru the eye of the needle is when you put that love of money b4 God. His word didn’t say we were supposed to be broke. it’s ALL jealousy when people care more about what the man has. if you didn’t give him your money, don’t worry about it. just let it go people, PLZ. fyi i belive bishop paul morton had something to do with his ordination.

  30. Whateva and Lee live in peril of The Lord.

    They forgive Eddie Long’s desire for money in order to defend their own. They hope that his wealth (however acquired) will augment their own. They imagine that Christians — who see the love of money for what it really is — are somehow ‘jealous’ of Eddie Long’s Bentleys and millions and Rolexes.

    Theirs is a dangerous and unBiblical view. Who is ‘jealous’ of that which keeps us from Heaven?

    Jesus ALWAYS talked about spiritual wealth. He did not envy material wealth. Ever. It is clear from the Bible that He threw the moneychangers out of His realm for a good reason.

    CONSIDER: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.

    “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

    “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. (Matt. 6:19-21, 24)

    Lee, Whateva and Humble Pie have been deceived. They have ignored the Lord, and listened to the Eddie.

    It is sad. Some people become obsessed with earthly gold, all the while denying themselves eternal access to the golden Love of Jesus.

    Take your pick, friends. Serve the Lord, or serve Mammon. You cannot do both, no matter what Eddie tells you.

  31. Evangelist Luther

    Do you know what type of men Jesus surrounded his self with? I’m talking about during the time Jesus was out doing his father business. If you don’t know, let me help you. They were all business men. All of them own their own business. If it was meant for people to be broke and just getting by. Why would he not walk with broke and struggling people ONLY? He talk to them, he heal them from sickness, and he save them. But still Jesus walked with business men as he was doing his father business. Alot of times people think church isn’t a business. That’s why they have a problem with a preacher having nice thing. Me personally, It’s hard for me to follow a preacher who tells me how great and awesome GOD is. How God can take care all my bills, family. basicly all my needs. Not just my needs, Children Childrens needs as well. But that same preacher doesn’t bare any fruit from his on labor.

    Matt 25:14-30
    “Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more. So also, the one with the two talents gained two more. But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.
    After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.’

    His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

    The man with the two talents also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.’

    His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

    Then the man who had received the one talent came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’

    His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.

    Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

    You and I can argue scripture all day because we see scripture different. It’s ok!!! Maybe one day GOD would take you off the bottle and give you real food when you can handle it. As we all can see, IT’S NOT TODAY.

    By the way, I endorse this message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O’ya, one more thing.

    PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Dear Brother Lee: you have been misled, perhaps by Satan.

    You write, “Me personally, It’s hard for me to follow a preacher who tells me how great and awesome GOD is.” There is your problem. You think you are supposed to follow a preacher! Who told you this? You are not called to follow a preacher! You are called to follow Jesus.

    You write, “How God can take care all my bills, family. basicly all my needs.” There is your problem. You have more faith in a preacher than in God Almighty! Who told you that a preacher is mightier than God??

    You write, “Alot of times people think church isn’t a business. That’s why they have a problem with a preacher having nice thing.” A church is NOT a business! That view is devilish. A church is the sacred congregation of believers, gathered to worship and pray and believe on Him. A church is NOT a business which pays its CEO in Bentleys, Rolexes, and millions. A church is the human expression of Faith. Money is not the measure of any church, except perhaps in the church of Satan. You have been misled by devils.

    You write of the disciples, “They were all business men. All of them own their own business.” Who told you this nonsense? Who fills your head with this rubbish?

    These 12 were Galilean Jews. There is a correspondence to the 12 Tribes of Israel. Peter was a fisherman. His brother Andrew was a fisherman. James and John were almost certainly fishermen also, as the Bible records Jesus meeting them “on the shore”. Philip was married, but his work is unknown. Bartholomew’s (Nathanael) work is unknown. Matthew was a tax collector. Thomas’ work is unknown, but he may have (like Jesus) been a carpenter. Little is known of James the Lesser, but he too may have been a carpenter. Thaddeus (Jude) may also have been a carpenter. The work of Simon the Zealot is utterly unknown. The work of Judas Iscariot is unknown.

    On what basis do you imagine that these Twelve (all of whom have alternate names in the varying Gospels) were businessmen? Who told you Jesus walked with millionaires? Who told you Jesus preferred the company of wealthy suburbanites? Which of these Twelve owned palaces? Owned slaves? Owned vast herds and flocks and fleets? Where do you get this nonsense? Eddie has filled your head with silliness.

    Our Lord demanded that the Twelve abandon ALL of their worldly possessions in order to go into the world, in pairs, and heal the sick and cast out demons. He told them to take no purse, no money, and to wear but one tunic. THEY IDENTIFIED WITH THE POOR. This was the express command of Jesus.

    You prefer to identify with the rich. That may gain you the favor of Eddie Long, and even a Cadillac. But who cares?

    It will not get you into Heaven.

    Matthew 19:24. “Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

    Your greedy desire for a “lavish lifestyle”, as you put it, will prevent you from gaining Eternal Life in Heaven. You may worship God, OR Mammon. Jesus tells us you cannot worship both.

    You have to choose the God of Love — or the Devil of Greed. You cannot worship both.


  33. Another word for Brother Lee, the fate of whose soul concerns us.

    You have seen the photographs Eddie Long took of himself. The ones he sent to several boys. The ones in which he poses in skintight Spandex muscle shirts. The ones he did not send to his first wife, or to his second. Or to any females at all.

    Why do you think he took these photos? What Christian purpose do such revealing photos reveal? How do these Spandex revelations serve The Lord?

    Did he send them to you? Would you like him to send them to your son? Were they taken by a professional photographer in a public environment, or by Eddie behind the closed door of his private bathroom?

    If you do not understand what these photos represent, then I fear Eddie has filled your head with silly putty.


  34. When is the Body of Christ going to be truthful and honest with one another and to God? Where is the transparency? Religion and the spirit of it has deceived so many of the “so called” faithful. God (Abba, Jehovah) loved David because of his honesty with God 1st and man. When David sinned, he did not and could not cover it up and lie to God! David said, “I have sinned against you (God)…”. He did not want anyone else to take the blame for his sin but himself. He didn’t make excuses and he had “Godly” sorrow for his wrong towards God and his overall responsibility as a leader over God’s people. That’s one of the BIG (HUGE) errors of many leaders within the Church; the people belong to God not to man. We are HIS sheep… and no one is GREAT in the Kingdom of God BUT He and His Son Jesus!

    All the glory and ALL the honor belongs to Him! We are nothing but filthy rags BUT only by the GRACE and LOVING MERCY of God thru His Son Jesus are we redeemed and saved!! Yes, love covers a multitude of sin BUT it does not COVER UP! Why are so many covering up sin! Why would we not want to expose the enemy, his strategies, and devices in order that we and others shall be saved? That is called being an accomplice who is “a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing, often as a subordinate”. So basically, when we cover up sin in our own lives and/or within the Church (the body of Christ) we are co-contributors (accomplices) with the Devil (Satan). We are supposed to be in the Lord’s army! When sin is in us or our brothers/sisters, we are to continuously LOVE the person and EXPOSE the sin in order that repentance comes which God rewards with His Forgiveness through His love, mercy, and grace. I’ll leave you with the Word of God:

    When someone is sick (spiritually or physically) & when we commit sins:
    James 5:14-16
    Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

    When we wander from the truth:
    James 5:19-20
    Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.

    Why should we not cover sin (no matter who it is):
    Matthew 10:26, 28
    “Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. (28) “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

    What are God’s requirements for a Bishop (Leader of God’s People):
    I Timothy 3:1-7
    This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous; one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?); not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil. Moreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

    The sacrifice and scrutiny of a true believer and especially leaders:
    Luke 12:48
    “But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.

    Let’s examine ourselves and LIVE the word of God! It is the ONLY TRUTH THAT WILL STAND in this temporary life and the one to come either in Heaven or in Hell. Choose today who you will serve.


  35. Evangelist Luther

    Let’s talk about those picture for a moument. First of all, was those picture of him naked or fully cloth? You might not like the clothes he wear, but that is your own opinion. Everyone see things different.

    Just for you, I’m going to set the scene of what could have happen. We don’t know for sure, but let’s talk about what could have happen. Ok? So, I’m just going to throw this out there.Take it for what it’s worth.

    Let’s say you are a man or a woman, because I don’t know your gender. I am saying this this away. Don’t take it personally. Someone that you know for sometime ask you, can they use your phone? Because you trust them, you let them use it without thinking. You don’t stand over there shoulder to watch what they are doing with your phone. You don’t know that person have a perverse mind at this point. You don’t even know that person in love with you like that. You just thought that person was your homie boy or girl. That’s it!!!!!! So while that person have your phone, they go thru your phone to see what in it. They see some picture. They send those picture from your phone to there phone. They send text message from your phone to there phone. My question for you, Since those pictures or text message came from your phone. Did you actually send them to that person?????????? You may have took those pictures of yourself, but did you send them to that person????????? Hmm… Let’s think for a moument!!!!!!!!

    Then one day you wake up to find out this person have a perverse and twisted mind about you. You decided to separate yourself from them. They don’t want to cut it off because they are in love with you. So by any mean necessary, If they can’t be with you. They would take things and twist it for there ill good. For example, Let’s say one day before you knew what you know now about that person. You email or text them, an you actually said I love you in the message. In your mind you love them with a GODLY love, not a perverse love. But if anyone see that email or text, they can take it anyway they want. The only ones who know the truth is you, GOD, and your perverse friend.

    You probably think, I’m wrong for thinking this. You probably think this could never have happen. I’m not saying it did happen. I’m just saying, what if??????????? If you don’t think this can surely happen. You can be easily deceived. Think about, how many people you know or you really don’t know use your phone? Do you really pay close attention what they are doing with your phone? Just for a moument, take a minute an personize this situation, an say. Could this ever happen to me?

    I don’t want you to think I’m Pro-Bishop Long. At the end of the day, he is still a man. He have to put on his pants everyday like I do. Even on my best day, I can mess up. If he is guilty, that need to be dealt with. If these people are lying, that need to be dealt with as well. Until then, we as people need to hold our tongues.

    We as people just shouldn’t think a person guilty just because things don’t look right in your eyes. People says he guilty because another man doesn’t tell another man he loves him. They think this because that’s not something they would do or say. People are looking at a situation an saying, No black man would come out an say they had a sexual relationship with another man if it wasn’t true. One thing I do know about people. Money can make a person say an do anything if they make that their God!!!!!!!!!!. If you notice I said, If they make money there God. If they are just so concern about other kids, not the money. Then go to court and tell the world what happen without trying to sue. When you sue, In my mind, you could have alternative motives. I’m not saying they do, I’m just speaking on what could be. NOT A FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, people think this situation maybe similiar to another situation they may know or may have heard of before. Just because things sounds the same somewhat, doesn’t mean it’s the same situation. Every situation is different, every case is different. So don’t say a person or persons guilty because of another situation that sounds similiar.

    GOD Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Correcting myself…..only God, Eddie and the boys know……maybe even the people that they said knew what was happening – know what happened.

    If he just steps down, he knows he is innocent………no weapon formed against him……he can rest in the fact that when he returns he returns to the pulpit, he returns with his dignity in tact and a true example to the body of Christ….no?

  37. Me personally, I don’t think Bishop Long should sit down because someone said something negative about him or the church. What I’m about to say isn’t for everyone. This is for the New Birth Members who go or went to New Birth church by way of streamingfaith, TV show or sit in the sanctuary. This is for you.

    Before any of these allegation came out, you would do everything you could to hear what Bishop has to say. By buying his books, his tapes, etc… When he spoke to you before these allegations, did you question who he is? Did you question his authority? Did you question his sexuality? When Bishop got up in church an said, I’m not that man who is protrade on TV. That should have sustain your faith and trust in him. If you trusted what he said before, why not trust him through this storm? If you can’t trust what he said. Then I would say to you, why even listen to him before the allegations. Why would you throw your money and your time away like that. That doesn’t make sense. I can understand people who didn’t listen to Bishop before these allegations saying what they are saying about the situation. But I can’t understand you per say. Well, I guess I could a little. Because as we all know, Jesus was the only one without sin, but what did the people do to him. They turned on Jesus, even the people who walked with him on his journey of doing his father business. Im not comparing Biship Long as to Jesus, Don’t think that. But if those people during Jesus time who walked and talked with him turn on him. Who I said earlier didn’t sin not once in his life that we know of. We should expect people to turn there back on him in this situation.

    If you were one of those people I just spoke about. I pray that GOD would convict your heart.

  38. In response to Lee, you said:

    “Before any of these allegation came out, you would do everything you could to hear what Bishop has to say. By buying his books, his tapes, etc… When he spoke to you before these allegations, did you question who he is? Did you question his authority? Did you question his sexuality? When Bishop got up in church an said, I’m not that man who is protrade on TV. That should have sustain your faith and trust in him. If you trusted what he said before, why not trust him through this storm? If you can’t trust what he said. Then I would say to you, why even listen to him before the allegations.”

    I really hope that things work out in Bishop Long’s favor, meaning innocent, because of those who are blinded by his celebrity and not willing to come to terms that he could also be guilty. I really doubt that if one the boys involved were your son or brother, you would be so sustained by him telling you “he’s not the man being portrayed by the media.”

    This goes way beyond books, tapes, etc, souls and truth should be the priority!

  39. Herewego

    Trust me when I say this, Could Bishop Long have have done this? There always could be a possibilty because he is human. I’m not blinded by this. Do I want to believe he did it? The answer would be NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But could he have done this, anything is possible. But what I was saying earlier, before these allegations came out. I didn’t question his authority, I didn’t question if he was telling the truth or lying. So, since I didn’t question him then. I shouldn’t start questioning him now because people saying some negative thing about him. Like I said earlier as well, People can take things and twist it to whatever they want it to look like. People do it all the time. So what make this situation any different?????????????

    People say what if that was your son how would you look at it? I would listen to my son. I would support my son in this situation due to the fact he is my son. Also, by him being my son I know his character. I know if my son have a habit of lying for no apparent reason or he tell truth majority of the time. Even if I felt like my son is lying but I can’t prove it. I will still stand by him until I find out different. But the grime reality is, this isn’t my son or your son. You don’t know these boys just like I don’t know them. We don’t know there character like there parents do. Example, if someone say they saw my son robbing a bank, and they got video footage as well. They can make a strong arguement. But because I know my son character, I would say that’s not my son. But if my son had a history of robbing people. Sometimes he got caught and sometimes he didn’t get caught. But I know he has a history of doing this on a regular basis, I would say maybe that is him. But even if it was him, I would still walk with him through that situation because he is my son.

    Some would say, I’m not being sensitive to these young men. Only thing I can say to that. That’s your opinion, Not my own.

    PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. I don’t blame Bro Eddie at all, I blame all these gullible people that follow such a man and who know that he’s using their hard earned money to lavish himself with luxury and pervert the minds of the youth. Yessir these people are the ones to blame. They obviously like to have a toff for a head man instead of a humble preacher. It’s easier to follow someone who drive a Bentley than one who walk to de church. Amen Bro Eddie

  41. Everyone has there opinion about this situation, and I see that clearly from some of the above comments. My concern about this situation is the Pastor/and the alleged Victims. I pray for everyone in the situation and if any of this is true, it is very sad. And just because one quotes bible verses in their sentences and comments dont make you correct. What people need to do is stop trying to use that to justisfy what you believe is right or wrong. Noone knows what happened but God and them, and I do beleive he will get the last say. Have a Blessed Day Everyone.

  42. Lee,

    All I’m saying is, these are very serious allegations, not just something negative being said, but VERY serious allegations, and that we should be wise enough to NOT take a definite stand on any side until the facts are out. I’ve seen this happen many times, It may take months or years, but God will bring it out. Honestly, I am certainly not making this personal, it’s just that I have seen this destroy people’s faith because they sided with one party or the other prematurely.
    Your faith may be able to withstand the outcome, but many others may fall. Once again, this is not personal, I’ve just seen it all before……

  43. Evangelist has spoken some rather harsh words and painted a rather ugly picture of her brother in Christ. Its unfortunate but people are just people. Bishop knows new levels new devils and folk will celebrate you today and crucify today. 2 Pictures, 1 car, thats the STUFF the media feeds you has you messed up … LOL… This man and his ministry have provided real HELP to many many folk in need. The reality is that it all comes with a cost. You need capitol – MONEY to do the work in this global community that needs to be done….. I applaud this man and his wonderful ministry. My prayers are for him his family his church family as well as the young men and their families.
    One question Could it all be a set-up?

  44. Herewego

    I agree with you a 100%. We shouldn’t take sides. We should wait for the outcome. But during the time I wait. I shouldn’t start looking at Bishop sided ways when he gets in the pulpit to speak. So how do you feel about this stance?

  45. Lee,

    I don’t know if you are a member or not, but in all honesty, he shouldn’t be putting his members in that postion, you know some believe 100% that he is innocent, some are confused and are still trying to be loyal, some people are coming to church just to see what’s going to happen next, some people are hurt but are being told “not to put their mouth on him”, etc. You can’t tell me this isn’t causing a spirt of confusion to enter there. That’s why it’s necessary to step away temporarily, until this is settled. It is NOT an admission of guilt. The people who are actually following Jesus and not man will get this…….Hope you have a great evening.

  46. I am very glad to read that none of our brothers and sisters is trying to defend Eddie Long’s self-portraits. We are agreed: they reflect very bad judgment.

    He did not use a professional photographer in a public setting. Why did he take them himself, in the privacy of his bathroom? Why did he send them to boys? Sensible people know the answer.

    Eddie Long has an unusual interest in money, Rolexes, Bentleys, and the lavish life.

    Jesus walked with the poor. Jesus served the poor. Jesus never told his disciples to buy him a gold-plated donkey.

    We are not called upon to follow a preacher. We are called upon to follow Jesus.

    Eddie Long has followed the siren call of money. I pray his followers will hear the sweet voice of The Lord instead.


  47. A brief note further…

    Lee makes a very good point. He wrote, “One thing I do know about people. Money can make a person say an do anything if they make that their God!!!!!!!!!!.”

    He nails Eddie’s problem exactly. Well said.

  48. Herewego

    Stepping down isn’t the answer. Stand strong thru adversity is the key if you know without a doubt you are innocent. No matter what other people think or do. If everytime someone say something against you, no matter how big or small the situation is. Should you stop doing GOD work because of adversity? You preacher about how GOD can be with you thru the storm, thru the adversity. But soon as the storm hit, You run and hide because the enemy is attacking. That sound like a coward to me.

    Me personally, if Bishop Long would step down because this isn’t a right time for him to preach. He would lose me forever. This is the time to show who you really are. Don’t just talk about how GOD can see you thru the mist of the storm, Walk it out for the world to see. When this is all over and Bishop has been found innocent of these charges. What do you think those people who was confuse would say? Here is a man who truly stood when it wasn’t popular to do so.


    I’m only saying innocent if he is innocent. Rember, I don’t really know for sure without a doubt in my mind.

  49. STOP the hate and assassination on anybody that has been Smeared and NOT Convicted.

    There are times in life when you have to walk through the middle of the storms of life and you know that you know your not alone … despite your haters, critics and spectators. AND you don’t take sides …. you take over. Bishop is a great example of how to fight the good fight with confidence of the outcome… God will get the victory so you continue to fight with one hand and build with the other.

    Everyday its a faith fight but when you are confident and have Great expectations you don’t have to shrink and step down you step up and you put on your good stuff get sharp get your car cleaned up and when you get to church you Praise like ain’t nooooobodies business.

  50. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The enemy is not our brother Long. The enemy is Satan! We wrestle not against flesh (humans) but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. The principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, and spiritual wickedness is the army of Satan.

    So we are to pray, intercede and FIGHT (spiritually) for our brother and desire earnestly for him to repent and be restored to the faith and the truth of the Holy Spirit. Sin is evident to various degrees in this situation. But this is all a strategy of the enemy to put offense in the hearts (mind, will, and soul) of God’s people. This includes those that have not YET come to the truth of salvation and love of the Father greatly demonstrated thru His son Jesus.

    We should cover each other but that is not acheived by covering up sin in our lives. That exposure is the LIGHT that destroys the darkness of sin. We are not to judge the person but the word of God tells us to examine, expose, and judge sin! When we do that, the enemy has no where to hide and can not have any effect on our lives and relationship with God. When Satan has been exposed, he can’t use things condemnation, guilt, self hatred, denial, pride, and lies to keep us bond in our sins. Because once we repent and the Father forgives us, he remembers our sins NO MORE.

    Paul put a man out of the church for a sin that he committed that was hindering the other believers and promoting the disease of sin. BUT when the man REPENTED to God for what he had done, Paul instructed the people of the church to RESTORE him FULLY! That is the word of God… that is how he loves.


  51. Lee,

    “Me personally, if Bishop Long would step down because this isn’t a right time for him to preach. He would lose me forever.”

    If you feel this way, then maybe you are emotionally tied to this and can’t see clearly. You mean to tell me that if he stood up and said that I need to step away and handle this matter because it is starting to bring division in this church, by the way, it IS causing division, he would lose you forever??? What??? He doesn’t have to stop doing God’s work because he’s not speaking at church. Look at the division here, how in the world can a divided church stand? Or be effective?

  52. There is nothing new under the sun… that is what the Word of God states. The devil is using what has always worked to deceive the people; especially the people of God. Adultery, fornication, lying, greed, lust, PRIDE, division, strange flesh, jealousy, murder, control… has always worked for Satan. He is not creative, he is not ingenious, he is not powerful… he IS an accuser, liar, murderer, perpetrator, illegal alien in the church and within the Body of Christ, trespasser who has already been judged by God himself to the lake of fire. People of the faith Continue to keep giving him (Satan) and his demons (ministers of darkness) diplomatic immunity.

    Diplomatic immunity is a form of LEGAL immunity given to entities that ENSURES and GIVES safe passage and are not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country’s laws. You can force them to leave (expel) but that’s it. But guess what… they can came back because Jesus told us to CAST the enemy (spirit not flesh; humans) out. When you CAST something out… it will not be able or desire to return!

    Satan wants to take as many people (souls) with him to hell and with the diplomatic immunity he is freely GIVEN, the people of God are making His job not really a job; he does it with great ease and with little effort. What an unwarranted victory for him if he could take the so called faithful with him! Who he and his demons will torture the WORST in Hell because they KNEW better, had knowledge of the word of God, had encounters with the Father Jehovah and His son Jesus BUT yet STILL chose not to RESIST the DEVIL and FLEE from him, his lies, temptation and sin itself. I will leave you with the word of God:

    Hebrews 10:26-31
    For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, (27) but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. (28) Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. (29) Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? (30) For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The LORD will judge His people.” (31) It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.


  53. It frightens me to read some of the comments from people who confess to love God and yet say awful things to each other. My heart aches for Bishop Long and the others involved. If indeed the allegations are true and Bishop Long will have hurt alot of people as a man of God–(Wife, Children, parents, siblings, church family etc.). I try to remember he is a man first– and as humans we do make mistakes. I pray that people who were thinking about giving themselves to God wil not be side tracked by this situation.

  54. Re: Pipper Quest on October 22nd…

    Amen…. That is my true hope. That this situation (and there are and have been so many others) will not hinder those in the faith and those out of the faith to coming to the realization of forgiveness, salvation, and a desire to be even closer to the Father (Jehovah) thru His Love by the only way of His beautiful, magnificent son Jesus the Christ (Our only savior).

    The enemy is not each other (flesh; humans) but the wage of war is against the kingdom of darkness and Satan himself. That has always been the true enemy since the garden (of Eden).

  55. It may be time for Eddie Long to repent. Once more, he has failed to deny the sex-based charges made against him by 4 young black men.

    If you or I were so charged, we would proclaim our innocence to the rafters. Eddie Long has done nothing of the sort. This is very strange.

    Is he qualified to be a ‘Bishop’? The answer is no. What does the Lord say?

    I Timothy 3:1-7
    This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work.
    =====let us hope this is true

    A bishop then must be blameless
    =====he is currently the subject of 5 different lawsuits

    the husband of one wife,
    =====he is on Wife Number Two

    temperate, sober-minded,
    =====let us hope so

    of good behavior,
    ====this is before the courts

    ====perhaps TOO hospitable, at least to boys

    able to teach;
    ====he is a good speaker

    not given to wine,
    ===let us hope not

    not violent,
    FROM THE MAXWELL LAW FIRM: “Bishop Eddie Long’s ex-wife claimed in divorce papers that he was physically abusive, alleging he beat her when she was seven-and-a-half months pregnant with the couple’s only child.

    “Debara S. Houston said she was the victim of “cruel treatment” and was afraid of Long’s “violent and vicious temper,” according to Fulton County Superior Court records. She and her son “had to flee [the couple’s Fairburn home] in order to ensure their safety,” the documents say.

    “The couple was married in 1981 and separated after a couple years, according to the documents. Long’s first wife made the abuse allegation in a counterclaim after he petitioned for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.”

    not greedy for money,
    ====it is clear he is VERY greedy for money

    but gentle, not quarrelsome,
    =====alas, not according to his first wife

    ………….. and so on

    We see in First Timothy that Eddie Long is simply not qualified to be a Bishop. The fact that he is divorced is a clear disqualification.

    As a Christian, I remain terribly troubled by Eddie’s avarice. His love of money, fine watches, fine cars, fine houses, fine food, expensive cameras — this has NOTHING to do with the message of The Christ.

    Jesus walked with the poor. Jesus served the poor. Jesus never told his disciples to buy him a gold-plated donkey.

    We are not called upon to follow a preacher, or someone who calls himself ‘Bishop’. We are called upon to follow Jesus. No one hates Eddie Long. We love the sinner. We hate his sins.


  56. WoooooooW now everyone wanna PREACH the Word! Whatever may’ve transpired or NOT…all ya’ll self righteous do gooderz… Remember your hormones when you were a teenager ESPECIALLY at those ages; 16…17…18 etc, sneakn in your parents room when they weren’t home; going thru their adult “stuff, kissing on the school bus after school, the back seat of the car, PROM night, cigarettes, alcohol, guns etc… Curiosity, experimenting, and becoming a “pro”: honeys gone wild/ wham bam thanku ma’ am… THOSE “Kids” weren’t 4/5/6 year olds; they knew what $$ does & knew how(wanted) to get it EASY …and when Other priorities in business became PRIORITY (cut losses) it was back to BUSINESS and those “kids”; (horny grown azz gay men), knew damn what they were buyn into. But like young adults/teenagers 17-18/19 year olds do; have a fit when things don’t go their way…If Eddie acted inappropriately allegedley then: as a LEADER and man of GOD; he was wrong to GOD, as a man being married: he betrayed his wife, and as a man well…Men aren’t perfect anyway! Get over it! Those so called “Boys/Kids” (young adults) they went to Church too, knew the WORD too they were not: victims, manipulated, molested, raped, tricked, flim flammed,hoodwinked & bamboozled or wtevr the effn else they’re cryn about got “done to them” (allegedley) they asked for it because they definitely knew about: how 2 spend $$, trips, shoppn spreez, plush hotel stays, fine restaurants, nice houses, whips/cars, clothes, high profile status, living the good Life, AAAANNND YESSS S E X!!! Nothing is FREE… PIMPS n HO’s know the dilly yo’!! They’re just like anybody else losing out on something tryn 2 get somthn 4 nothn: Disgruntled. Now they have to get a real job! N E E E XT !!

  57. Oh I saw the photos: If you remember Eddie Long had weight issues and when he slimmed down he was PROUD of the Change from fat to muscle… he took photos of himself in workout gear NOT slobbn another dude down,wearing a g-string; incense/wine & candles in a gang bang train. Oh and those “guys” were flexn in their pics 2, muscles, baggy saggn designer jeans, jewelry, swag, muscles, cheeezn (smile 4 de camera). Straight up! Real talk! Keepn it 1hunid! I ain’t see no broken spirited, scared and wounded lil’boys cryn & boo hoo’n_ I saw bro’s n thug type ni**as “KOOL AID” grinnin’ cuz dey was Paid!! But when da funds got cut off and dey benefits got clipped: dem dudes became hollerin’Jacks…& I’m done!


    I never in my ENTIRE life read anything more SAD than what you posted here, Lord I almost cried, especially because you say you’re an evangelist. Oh my goodness!

    GOD ANNOINTS PEOPLE evangelist Luther, not man. I’ll leave it at that, what more can be said.
    WELL, I will add this: Apostle Paul said that he had a problem controlling his (flesh), YET he was an annointed man of God.

  59. 8 Keep your mind clear, and be alert. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion as he looks for someone to devour.
    9 Be firm in the faith and resist him, knowing that other believers throughout the world are going through the same kind of suffering.

    I Corinthians 4:
    1 People should think of us as servants of Christ and managers who are entrusted with God’s mysteries.
    2 Managers are required to be trustworthy.
    3 It means very little to me that you or any human court should cross-examine me. I don’t even ask myself questions.
    4 I have a clear conscience, but that doesn’t mean I have God’s approval. It is the Lord who cross-examines me.
    5 Therefore, don’t judge anything before the appointed time. Wait until the Lord comes. He will also bring to light what is hidden in the dark and reveal people’s motives. Then each person will receive praise from God.
    I Corinthians 6:
    1 When one of you has a complaint against another, how dare you go to court to settle the matter in front of wicked people. Why don’t you settle it in front of God’s holy people?
    2 Don’t you know that God’s people will judge the world? So if you’re going to judge the world, aren’t you capable of judging insignificant cases?
    3 Don’t you know that we will judge angels, not to mention things in this life?
    4 When you have cases dealing with this life, why do you allow people whom the church has a low opinion of to be your judges?
    5 You should be ashamed of yourselves! Don’t you have at least one wise person who is able to settle disagreements between believers?
    6 Instead, one believer goes to court against another believer, and this happens in front of unbelievers.
    7 You are already totally defeated because you have lawsuits against each other. Why don’t you accept the fact that you have been wronged? Why don’t you accept that you have been cheated?
    8 Instead, you do wrong and cheat, and you do this to other believers.

    9 Don’t you know that wicked people won’t inherit the kingdom of God? Stop deceiving yourselves! People who continue to commit sexual sins, who worship false gods, those who commit adultery, homosexuals,
    10 or thieves, those who are greedy or drunk, who use abusive language, or who rob people will not inherit the kingdom of God.
    11 That’s what some of you were! But you have been washed and made holy, and you have received God’s approval in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

    12 Someone may say, “I’m allowed to do anything,” but not everything is helpful. I’m allowed to do anything, but I won’t allow anything to gain control over my life.
    13 Food is for the stomach, and the stomach is for food, but God will put an end to both of them. However, the body is not for sexual sin but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body.
    14 God raised the Lord, and by his power God will also raise us.
    15 Don’t you realize that your bodies are parts of Christ’s body? Should I take the parts of Christ’s body and make them parts of a prostitute’s body? That’s unthinkable!
    16 Don’t you realize that the person who unites himself with a prostitute becomes one body with her? God says, “The two will be one.”
    17 However, the person who unites himself with the Lord becomes one spirit with him.
    18 Stay away from sexual sins. Other sins that people commit don’t affect their bodies the same way sexual sins do. People who sin sexually sin against their own bodies.
    19 Don’t you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don’t belong to yourselves.
    20 You were bought for a price. So bring glory to God in the way you use your body.
    Galatians 6:
    1 Brothers and sisters, if a person gets trapped by wrongdoing, those of you who are spiritual should help that person turn away from doing wrong. Do it in a gentle way. At the same time watch yourself so that you also are not tempted.
    2 Help carry each other’s burdens. In this way you will follow Christ’s teachings.
    3 So if any one of you thinks you’re important when you’re really not, you’re only fooling yourself.
    4 Each of you must examine your own actions. Then you can be proud of your own accomplishments without comparing yourself to others.
    5 Assume your own responsibility.
    10 Finally, receive your power from the Lord and from his mighty strength.
    11 Put on all the armor that God supplies. In this way you can take a stand against the devil’s strategies.
    12 This is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling with rulers, authorities, the powers who govern this world of darkness, and spiritual forces that control evil in the heavenly world.
    13 For this reason, take up all the armor that God supplies. Then you will be able to take a stand during these evil days. Once you have overcome all obstacles, you will be able to stand your ground.
    14 So then, take your stand! Fasten truth around your waist like a belt. Put on God’s approval as your breastplate.
    15 Put on your shoes so that you are ready to spread the Good News that gives peace.
    16 In addition to all these, take the Christian faith as your shield. With it you can put out all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
    17 Also take salvation as your helmet and the word of God as the sword that the Spirit supplies.
    18 Pray in the Spirit in every situation. Use every kind of prayer and request there is. For the same reason be alert. Use every kind of effort and make every kind of request for all of God’s people.

  60. The Christain family should not judge. God is the only judge. Something is amiss, and it will be revealed. Have we all not sinned? We cover our sins, as most people will not know of them unless it is an ugly scandal; however, sin is sin. Let’s pray for the Bishop and his congregation. I do not know who did what. Only they know and God knows. Let us walk in love. Turst me, if it were you or I, we wouldn’t not like the persecution.

  61. 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
    5 They are of the world; therefore, they speak of the world, and the world hears them.
    6 We are of God; he that knows God hears us; he that is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
    7 Beloved, let us love one another, for charity is of God. Anyone that loves is born of God and knows God.
    8 He that does not love does not know God, for God is charity.
    9 In this was the charity of God demonstrated in us, in that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
    10 In this does the charity consist, not because we had loved God, but because he loved us and has sent his Son [to be] the reconciliation for our sins.
    11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
    12 No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and his charity is completed in us.
    13 In this we know that we abide in him, and he in us, in that he has given us of his Spirit.
    14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son [to be] the Saviour of the world.
    15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
    16 And we have known and believed the charity that God has in us. God is charity, and he that abides in charity abides in God, and God in him.
    17 In this the charity with us is made perfect, that we may have confidence in the day of judgment, that as he is, so are we in this world.
    18 In charity there is no fear; but charity that is perfect casts out fear; because fear has torment; from which he that fears is not complete in charity.
    19 We love him, because he first loved us.
    20 If anyone says, I love God and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he that does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?
    21 And we have this commandment from him, That he who loves God loves his brother also.:

  62. 1 Corinthians 13

    The Way of Love

    1 If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. 2If I speak God’s Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, “Jump,” and it jumps, but I don’t love, I’m nothing. 3 -7If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.

    Love never gives up.
    Love cares more for others than for self.
    Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
    Love doesn’t strut,
    Doesn’t have a swelled head,
    Doesn’t force itself on others,
    Isn’t always “me first,”
    Doesn’t fly off the handle,
    Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
    Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
    Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
    Puts up with anything,
    Trusts God always,
    Always looks for the best,
    Never looks back,
    But keeps going to the end.

    8 -10Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit. We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete. But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.

    11When I was an infant at my mother’s breast, I gurgled and cooed like any infant. When I grew up, I left those infant ways for good.

    12We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!

    13But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.

  63. 14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
    16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
    17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
    18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
    19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
    20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
    21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

  64. Personally, I love bishop Long as our Lord Jesus does, with the love of God that been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit. He is my brother in the Lord, I do not know him personally nor have met him in person, yet this I know, he is my brother born of the Spirit of God. I know no man after the flesh, but only by revelation of God Holy Spirit as He will to reveal the heart of man unto me, if He wills.

  65. We can and are teachers of Christ. The difference is all are not pimps who have whore to take care of them. Matt.7:15 watch out for false prophets.Jeremiah 23:9_40. Matt. 23:1-3, Jer. 23:21, 23:24, 23;30.Eddie long. Said he had five rocks and I was wondering were was the fifth one at. Prosperity look like he’s. The one prosperous. E.long said somepeole think I’m lost , it is those people who will have an opportunity to come down to the altar. WOW he was talking to his congregation who’s in denial big time, sorry it wasn’t their son. We are all Christians with sinners ways. Is steroids a DRUG? 1 sa.uel 17:58 David was a little boy, we posed like a man in the mirrow and behind the pulpit. 30 foot banner draped behind pulpit profile of a grinning long, his name and Pictures of long all though the church, Long consider Paulk his spiritual father. WOW yes we know you helped others but we are hoping that you didn’t help yourself to everything.long denied the allegations from the pulpit to maintain newbirth support. I seen a lamb Not a lion

  66. Pray. Seek God’s face. Humble yourself. Ask God to forgive you of every word or thought that is not pleasing to Him. Yield to the Spirit and not the flesh.

    Love one another as Christ loves you.

  67. First off to be very clear many of you are seeming to be extremely judgmental without knowing all of the facts not even that it is any of your business. Let he without sin cast the first stone. No one is perfect. I am not defending the bishop I am just stating that who are we to judge. Secondly, it is God’s will that we PROSPER and be in HEALTH even as our soul prospers. Wealth belongs to the church. Seems like some meditation on God’s Word and praying for revelation of his Word could be very much beneficial to us all. God wants us to have the BEST in life and nothing LESS. God gave us his children the best, but its according to your own faith. It is not fair for any of us to judge our own brother based upon the car he drives and the clothes he chooses to wear. If this man is guilty than we should pray God’s mercy upon him. However, if he is innocent then to God be the Glory. Instead of trying to blast him and judge him we should be lifting him up in prayer because we are all brothers and sisters joined together in the body of Christ. We should be praying for one another and trying to uplift each other. Let God be TRUE and every man a lie. God is judge!

  68. Honestly, this is the last days and the Lord is looking for people after HIS Own heart. There are truely too many souls looking for the real deal, and way too many wolves in sheeps clothing. This is only the beginnin


    No, it comes to no surprise to me that this happens when people try to equate and exhalt themselves haughtily. All these emotional christians that feel bad for the exposure of this incident…..and openly supporting a man whether it be true and He admits to it………HELL IS REAL. My Lord and savior gave the entire outline on how to live a life pleasing to him. Should we put all our hope and faith in Christ, and be lead by the Holy Spirit we will never be lead away from the gospel of truth.

    Praise God, learn to seek after His heart. Too many people talk the talk and follow the trends of the world..We are charged by Christ to win the souls for his kingdom through the word….Yet when you praise God with your mouth and heart be far from Him…This is the mess you end up with because all the vanities of man will still come to an end at the foot of the cross. Judgement is applicable in Christ because we are our brothers keepers and if you cannot judge your family to correction.and lead them to repentance..ARE YOU WHO AND WHAT YOU CLAIM TO BE…?

  69. I heard Pastor David Jeremiah say this over the weekend and he gave the best but most simple understanding of flesh and ALL of the scriptures that refer to flesh. He said if you spell the word FLESH backwards and take off the H, it spells


    The H is HIM (God, Jesus)

    So in other words SELF with Him

    Basic.. and TRUE. The word of God states that in the last days men will be lovers of themSELF… which is SELF without Him; without God, Christ.

    In my heart and spirit, I have my own opinion of what the truth of this matter is. But does my opinion matter? No. BUT sin is SIN. Whether it is “strange flesh” (Jude 1:7) , PRIDE that goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18), GREED, preaching and teaching doctrines of devils… God judges sin the same and it all leads to failure and irreversible destruction if there is no Godly sorrow that leads to repentence.

  70. I heard Pastor David Jeremiah say this over the weekend and he gave the best but most simple understanding of flesh and ALL of the scriptures that refer to flesh. He said if you spell the word FLESH backwards and take off the H, it spells


    The H is HIM (God, Jesus)

    So in other words SELF with Him

    Basic.. and TRUE. The word of God states that in the last days men will be lovers of themSELF… which is SELF without Him; without God, Christ.

    In my heart and spirit, I have my own opinion of what the truth of this matter is. But does my opinion matter? No. BUT sin is SIN. Whether it is “strange flesh” (Jude 1:7) , PRIDE that goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18), GREED, preaching and teaching doctrines of devils… God judges sin the same and it all leads to failure and irreversible destruction if there is no Godly sorrow that leads to repentence.

    You can over your eyes, ears, and mouth but that is not what God has commissioned us to do. Are you honoring and following God (Jesus) or man (FLESH). No matter what, God’s truth shall prevail so that those that will love and accept Jesus and HIS truths will be made free and saved. The truth is SIN is in the midst of this situation. You can title or label the sin but SIN is obviously present and evident. So whether it is the love of strange flesh, greed, pride, lust, lying, doctrines of devils… sin leads to destruction and failure. That is not my word that is God’s word.

    But that is another problem, people do not know the word for themselves. That knowing goes far beyond reading or quoting scriptures. That is that intimate relationship between you and God, the hiding of the word in one’s heart. When you place in your heart realm, that is the MIND, WILL, and EMOTIONS. The mind becomes tranformed and you think like the mind of Christ, the will is the will of whatever the Father jehovah and His Son commands and desires from and of you, and your emotions are not moved and steered by the flesh or this world but by the heavenly things which is the Kingdom of God.

    Please let us ALL follow Christ and be guided and submissive to the Holy Spirit in these last hours of eternity.


  71. this is a diversion from the enemy we should now open our bibles for the real truth. we are spending to much time on worldy pastors again i say open ou bibles please jesus is comming soon

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