Birther Bill In Arizona Going After President Obama

Birther Bill In Arizona Going After President Obama – If President Obama wants to run again in 2012, he may need to prove to the state of Arizona that he was in fact born in the United States.
An amendment made by a Republican member of the state’s House of Representatives, Rep. Judy Burges, to a bill concerning how candidates can get on Arizona’s ballot would require them to show documents to prove they are a “natural born citizen,” reports the NY Daily News.
Dubbed the “birther bill,” the provision won a preliminary 31-22 vote, but the bill itself still faces a formal vote before it is sent to the state’s Senate.
Attempts have been made in other states, such as Florida and Oklahoma, to introduce similar legislation. None of them have ever become law.
“Republicans continue to take Arizona down the wrong track by wasting taxpayers’ time on frivolous legislation instead of working on important issues like heath care for kids and seniors and education,” said Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, a Democrat, in a statement.

Regardless of whether or not the bill is passed, it likely will face multiple legal challenges.
“While everyone has an interest in ensuring that only eligible citizens run for President, there are obvious issues with states implementing what could become a patchwork of different tests for a presidential candidate to prove his/her citizenship,” said a spokesman for Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett in an e-mail to The Arizona Republic.
This latest effort by the “birther” movement to challenge Obama’s eligibility as President comes on the heels of an Army doctor who faces a court martial for refusing to deploy to Afghanistan because the order is “illegal.”

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Just as I feel about people providing proof of citizenship on the streets if asked, why not? If Obama was born in the US, I would think he would rush to the opportunity to provide legal documentation to put this to rest. Unless he just likes jerking people around, which he seems to enjoy at times. Nonetheless, voting citizens have a right to know that those on a ballot have met the test to citizenship and other requirements to hold office. What’s the big deal? I’m glad to produce my birth certificate (and one that is considered a legal document) so why can’t our President?

  2. He has produced it many times. Where do you get your information –

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