Keyshia Cole King Magazine Pics & Interview – Keyshia Cole has an interesting photoshoot and interview for King Magazine’s final issue.Cole talked about white men,her breasts and her friends.Here are some excerpts.
On changing any part of her body
I’d make my breasts smaller. They’re too big. I can’t wear any of the tops that the other girls wear. But I appreciate them anyway. God is good regardless, so I’m going to be good with it. I don’t want to make God mad at anything right now. I don’t think he’d appreciate that.
Disqualifications from being “Mr. Right”
Jealousy. I wouldn’t be able to handle that. No jealousy right now. He don’t have to be a certain height, just a beautiful person all around. It wouldn’t hurt if he knows how to make breakfast. And if he had a beautiful smile and lips.
On Mr. Right being a White Man
I would have to know that he’s really serious. I’ve never dated a white guy but I’m definitely open to it. I don’t care what people say.
On Her Celebrity Friends
My Mama. She’s a celebrity. No, Monica and I stay in touch. Her child Melo is my godson. Oh, and I hang out with Paris and Nicky Hilton sometimes. We go out when I’m in LA. I actually had Thanksgiving dinner with them.
What Recession???
I’m a princess. I have a house right now on an acre. A lot of people are coming by my house, knocking on my door. But I own a gun- a Glock. Somebody followed me home once and I called the police that I’d kill him and that I’d prefer not to.
Keyshia Cole is a prime example on the different opportunities that are available to lots of women. I have noticed there are lots of negative talk about Keyshia, I think she has alot going on for herself and all of the women that choose to hate on her you all need to stop hating and join. She has a unique apperance about herself that no other woman has she is open minded as she spoke about it in her interview and very self motivated. Keyshia keep doing what you doing and try to figure out how to get 15 more haters before the summer.
Andre Burney
Keyahia Cole i look up to you like a big sister but now i feel like you in king magazine in very stupid be yourself and congrulation neffy on your book my mama have the book
Keisha, You are a great inspiration Our God works in misterious ways, you and I both know that. You are such a genuine person, down to earth and a great buisness women. You saw a opportunity and you took a effective advantage of it. When I watch your show it makes me feel and beleive that all things are possible. You arent out here chasing after men, although all women want that love and companionship your a lady. I appreciate your work, honesty and the love for yourself and your family. I saw me in so many ways when I watchd your shows. You enjoy get money, and God Bless. And most of all continue to grow and evolve yourself its a beautiful feeling!
I work with foster children…And to hear her story is soul warming..I currently work with teenagers who biological parents are still on drugs and the children have been in foster home since 4 and 5 years old …,..10 years later the parent want to be the parent while they are still under the influences. The young ladies have no respect for their mothers are the emotional abuse, abandonment and the fact they their mother chose drugs and men over them…. So go Keisha do you…your mother had her chance at life…Make something out of yours since she didn’t have the will power to kick the habit and put her children first.
is that ur real hair or a wig
keyshia cole i feel that you are a perfect example of what a women should be i wish many young people would just do the right thing for one day .i love all of your albums the way it is,just like you,and a different me and i like a different me the best because you were showing the happy sid eof you and thats wat i like about you your not a gimic your music is real it can relate to your fan and you have experienced it your self.wish you daniel and your new baby boy the best he should be one grateful child
love,kc’s biggest fan