Diddy On Barack Obama Victory

Diddy Obama
Diddy Talks About Obama

Sean John Combs also known as Diddy, P. Diddy, Puff Daddy, and Puffy decided to do a video blog about the significance of Barack Obama’s victory in the Democratic party primary on Tuesday.
You can watch the clip,after the jump.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/hbioTWvnqYc" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hi , I from the caribbean island of Trinidad, and it give me the pleasure to share my thoughts and veiws to this historic moment of the great country America.That this day will always be remembered, in every one hearts around the world not forgetting that the country has shown the power of the black people, coming as one and showing that the dream of all the ‘black civil rights’ fought not in vein.Obama also shown the unity that no president has ever seen, his heart is fill with love and peace,I have stayed up till the entire speech is over I was touched, and over whelmed that tears ran out of my eyes.Our country have never been intrested in any american election but this one has drawn many eyes and ears around,this little island, and many more countries. Obama shows that dream can come true ,Just believe. I pray that God continue to bless,guide protect and govern his heart to make all right decisions that he needs to make and yes he will make the best president ever.Note America, history not only recorded as the first black preident,but the greastest president ever to govern the country of the United -States -Of -America.”Change Has Come “.Love you p-diddy, nelly and neyo etc…

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