Rolling Stone Magazine Endorses Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Senator Barack Obama covers and is featured in the March issue of Rolling Stone magazine next to the headline, “Barack Obama: A New Hope.” Rolling Stone has endorsed Obama for president and Jann Wenner, the magazine’s editor and publisher explained why in following letter:

“The reason for the early choice is twofold,” “Undoing the damage of the disastrous Bush years will take a leader who can unite a deeply divided nation, and politicians with gifts like Obama’s are so rare that it’s imperative for each of us to do our part.”

It continues with:

“Obama has emerged by displaying precisely the kind of character and judgment we need in a president: renouncing the politics of fear, speaking frankly on the most pressing issues facing the country and sticking to his principles.” “Hillary’s campaign certainly proved her experience didn’t count for much: She was a bad manager and a bad strategist who naturally and easily engaged in the politics of distraction, trivialization and personal attack,”

The issue hits newsstands this Friday.
Here are some pictures of a very young Obama with his mother,father and grand parents from Rolling Stone.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. So wait.. Obama does not participate in personal attacks? Wait a minute while I laugh my ass off. LMAOOOOOOOO Bullshit. He’s no better than any of the others, and he does NOT deserve to be president just because he’s a good speaker. The man contradicts himself all over the place and he’s a major hypocrrite. Fuck Obama.

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